Does anyone else fear the opposite sex, specifically.


New member
I am always more fearful of talking to members of the oppisite sex who are within my age range. I want desperately to find a girl friend, but I dont know how to get over my fear of rejection. Does anyone else out there know how I feel. Please reply.


Well-known member
yes yes yes.I can relate to this.I think I've always been scared of girls around my own age.It's usually worse if they are single for some reason.I think I've missed so much as a result.I think we are scared that we will be rejected or not liked by available people of the opposite sex.Rejection is real hard for us sa'r to take,as we will dwell on it for ages and then go over it again when a simmilar situation arrises,where as other just get over it quickly and get on with things.I think it starts with shyness and developes from there.I'm at the stage now where I can't make eye contact with a girl or speak more than a few words and appear uninterested and aloof,a big turn off for any girl.I would like to develope better social skills,but ain't sure of the best way to go about this.Before it didn't bother me too much,as I was happy being single,but as I grow older I would like to have a girlfriend,but as I have been avoiding this for so long I'm emotionally imature around girls,not sure what to talk about or even act.


Well-known member
Well thats me in a nutshell, i'm fine in any other social situation i've been in. Just talking to the opposite sex, which is pretty common I spose - but most people just get over it or never experience it .. :?

I've seen mates who are more shy in social situations than me just suddendly get a GF, I just dont see how they do it ! guess they dont have anxiety in those situations ..

I too want a GF, but it's kinda hard without knowing any girls or talking to the few I do know. I am getting more comfortable speaking to a certain girl after having a few convos with her in person with friends in a casual situation, still no closer to dancing with a girl or asking anyone out. Still same ol with any other girls (just dont really talk).

Being 19 i'm sort of inbetween years, most people have had many short term GFs or at least asked people out in their younger silly years in highschool or what not.

But i'm still not really that old at all, I know of friends my age who could get a GF who haven't yet for whatever reason. The difference being they could approach a girl whereas I cant.

I also never ring a girl on the phone, never - dunno why, just never have and its become blown outta proportion. I can TXT because it seems alot less personal..

I'm pretty much crap at expressing my emotions to girls too, which would go without saying I spose. I've always bottled things up as long as I can remember, so I dont really see me being all open and expressing my feelings to a girl ever. Which is kinda crushing when you want a GF or someone to be close to. :(


Well-known member
Quite the opposite with me. I have always got on better and felt more comfortable with women. Problem is the closer I get..... blah blah blah. In terms of relationships I'm way outta practice but hey practise makes perfect and all that.

I think it's because there's no... ummm *thinks hard how to describe it*, *gives up* well I guess it's accepted we are different. The closer to my age, sex, etc someone is the more I feel they can judge me if that makes sense. Ummm.... basically I feel less comfy with my peer group. I think it's about being comfortable with my differences.

For example, someone aged 60 is not gonna care about what music I like or how I dress etc. Anyway I'm confusing myself now, MERRY XMAS everybody!! :?

Plus there's less matcho bullshit posturing with women, though not so good when it comes to talking about sport and stuff. Yes this is a generalisation :p


Well-known member

i highly distrust girls. i've so much bad experience with girls, i'm so glad i'm a hetero female!!! i feel so much more at ease with guys because i know they *tend* to not be as judgemental and i hate drama

ok, i know i'm stereotyping and all that crap and in doing so that makes me one of those girls i hate blah blah blah... but all my best friends have been guys. a few awesome chicks, but i think i'm just hostile in general


Well-known member
agree with chilling echo 8) . the sad/good? thing is that i am a man and even knowing this cant stop thinkin on women. i just feel nervous if the girl who im talkin to is good looking and/or funny.
i dont understand women politics.
Frightened of same sex???

:( Hi there! I'm a lady who seems to get along (and feel more comfortable) with men than other women!!
I suffered mental cruelty at the hands of a woman during childhood, so it's a rather deep-rooted issue. I always feel in competition, or just plain threatened, by other females - despite often having no real cause to do so.....Are there any other ladies out there with similar feelings? If so, perhaps we can help each other???
Please get in touch. :)