Does anyone else do this?


Well-known member
I never know whether to say hi or not to someone that I recognize in public. I usually remember most people that I meet because I haven't had all that many interactions with people throughout my life. So, if I ever see someone, I never know if I should call out their name, go up to them, or what..mainly because I don't know if they will recognize or remember me. Is that silly? Eye contact is another thing, especially in school. For some reason whenever I make eye contact with a professor or a random person on the street, I feel really awkward. And if I'm stuck in the same room with them I won't want to make eye contact or look at them for the rest of the time I'm there. These are like way simple things that I feel most people don't even think twice about, but they prevent me from getting out and talking to people a lot of the time...
Maybe I should just talk to one of my social friends about it....I don't knowww.
Maybe people would be flattered to know that you remember them, but for some reason I think they would think I'm weird because I remember I seriously feel like no one ever remembers me though. I never make a good enough first impression.


I find it very hard to say hi to people sometimes. I fear that they won't say hi back, and also how humiliating that would feel. So to be on the safe side a lot of times I just skip saying hi. However if people say hi to me first I always say hi back and am really appreciative about it.