Does anybody....


Well-known member any instruments?

I play the piano myself. (Not professionally though, but I love to play from time to time!)

I found this cute animated short-film called
"The Piano"
This must-see animation features an old man playing piano as his whole life flashes before him. (Source: Aidan Gibbons).

HERE to watch!

Double-click in the window if you want to watch it in full-screen!


Well-known member
shredz02 said:
thanks for sharing that...the music wuz awesome in that film

I agree!! :D You're very welcome by the way! :wink:

I play the guitar but i don't really know many songs, completely, cause i like to write my own stuff.
I like to be creative and not focus too much on other peoples songs

Wow, that's cool! I have a guitar too, but as my fingers prefer the piano, I had to give it up... :cry: I'd love to make my own music too, but I suck at reading notes so most of the time I just play songs I've stored in my brain... :)

I also found this funny animation: Singing Horses! :mrgreen:
First Click on the title! Then you simply click on a horse to make him start singing and then let his friends join in! :lol:



Well-known member
Nice find LA-girl.I like that music to. :D

I was never in to instruments to much.I played the tuba in school and probably could still if I want


Well-known member
i play the piano when i'm bored (mostly by ear cause i'm slow at reading sheet music),
played alto sax and flute all through middleschool/highschool...and of course the recorder. :lol:


Well-known member
That video was very nice, thanks LAgirl.

I play a bit of the piano - took lessons for years but you can't tell. Also guitar, same thing.


Well-known member
You're all very welcome!! :D
Thank you for your replies and gratitude!
I'm glad to hear that someone else than me enjoyed it!


Well-known member
I recently watched "Amelie from Montmartre" (a very good movie btw!) and discovered that the piano piece from "The Piano" (with a very long french title) had been used repeatedly as a soundtrack throughout the movie.
As I also find myself having a hard time getting tired of this piece I thought I could bring this thread back to life and give others an opportunity to watch/listen to it as well... :)


Well-known member
I play the piano. I'm not great though - I'm much better when I've learned a piece by heart, then I can play without thinking lol

I did start teaching myself the guitar, but I gave up for a while because it was hurting my fingers and causing blisters lol. I haven't picked it up again since, I should...

I leaned to play the violin while I was at school too, but I haven't played since I was 13.

I love 'The Piano' animation, and the singing horses lol.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Played the cello. Sold it.
Played the bass guitar. Quit.
Played the guitar. Quit.
Played the Violin. Quit.
aww bummer..did you play any of them better than the rest? Could you still play if you tried..or do you get the urge to play :?:


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
I'd like to play guitar again, but really don't have the time. :)
i really tried hard to learn the guitar when i was a teenager..just couldn't get it :( ..bummer though, i'd love to be able to play.