Do you worry people will think you are too serious?


Well-known member
I find it hard to open up my personality i have with my parents.I love to laugh and joke and just talk stupid with my parents.But when im around other people im alot more reserved and i cant display my funny and crazy sense of humor.I worry other folks will think i got no sense of humor.I guess it takes time to know people


Well-known member
Being able to share your personality will come once your anxiety goes.

I completely relate to how your feeling, and many days I get so frusturated because I wish people could just see the "real me"...a lot of times I feel like I've lost my sense of humor

Anxiety prevents you from being vulnerable, which sounds like a good thing in a way. But it prevents you from having the highs with the lows, prevents you from goofing off, making a fool of yourself, looking dumb but laughing at yourself after about it, basically prevents you from living life to the fullest!!! I miss this so much :( I feel ya...


yeah, i used to be open and fun as a kid. Partying,be happy. As an adult im way to serious around others. IM not acting as myself. Hate it


Well-known member
yea i understand this. With my parents and my mates im 1 type of person, and then at work and with strangers im so serious and boring. I'm pretty lucky that the friends I have liked me when i was quieter, and ive just become more INYOURFACE as ive developed some confidance.

I think after I get a bit more maturity I will gain confidance.


Well-known member
You guys are extremely lucky to at least have the feeling that you can joke around with your parents, your lucky to have that, my parents are very negative and its rubbed off on me, they were never the joking type so I feel as though I have no one to joke around with, I can only joke around with myself sometimes and that seems sad but I know that my parents have never been the joking free spirited type of people that you would want as a role model.
When I was younger I was very confident but since high school it all changed and now its very difficult for me.


Well-known member
I feel like that to.People have said that i'm charming witty but when i'm around other people I don't really know its like i loose my personality.I know I could make more connection with people.If people didn't think I was so stern and serious.I loose my real personality it's like.