Do you wish you could start all over in a new area?

Oh God yes! I can't wait to move away from the crappy little redneck town that I live in. The people here are so narrow minded and if you don't fit into their mold of what they consider "normal" you are fucked.


Well-known member
no1 said:
Do you ever feel like you just want to get away from the current place you are at, and start over in a new area with new people, less of a chance of them judging you perhaps since they don't know you, or you don't have a 'reputation' to keep up with? I guess some can get a change from it, others might be a bit more 'stubborn'.

That's my plan actually, move away from here, away from the people that know me.


You can't escape from your self :(

For last 3 years i was living and working in dubai the first 2 years were the worst time in my life and was getting worst day by day but last 1 year it got somehow better actually alot better then the first 2 years but still i had a couple of problems which was eating my life. After 3 years i moved back to home and i was very happy to change the city the people know me and the boring life i thought i will be normal again and was 100% sure about it. And i moved back to home but soon i found that we can't escape from ourselves no matter how far we run :(
PS: I am a bit better then the old place and happy that i am with my family that cares about me and loves me.