Do you think I have OCD?


Hi, I just joined the forum. I don't know if there's a place for introductions, but since I have a question I'll just introduce myself now. My name is Luke, I'm 14 years old.

I'm not sure if I have OCD. I think I do though. I wanted to explain the symptoms that I experience so I could read peoples' responses...

I don't know for how long (years I think) I've had what I think is OCD. I think this because I very often obsessively perform pointless actions... for example, recently, I've been (compulsively):

Touching the roof of my mouth with my tongue.
Pressing my lips together, opening my mouth slightly and closing it.
Making "tuh" noises with my mouth (I'm not sure how to describe the noise).
Connecting the tips of my thumb and forefinger together.
Twitching my nose.

I also sometimes look at something, usually the middle of something (for example a computer monitor, blink several times, and after a few seconds look away. I think I usually do that when I'm not doing anything (when I'm bored, prehaps).

Also, I often worry about things such as school, my health etc. What I do is worry about something and go through a routine of thinking in order to stop the worrying. The routine is always the same.

I've done different things in the past, but I can't remember them.

Well, that's it...


Well-known member

Welcome to the forums!

How do you feel if you don't do these actions?

I do some of the same things as you, the blinking one especially, if I don't do them I feel anxious and everything starts to feel as if it doesn't exist.



Thanks for the welcome. When I don't perform the actions, it's difficult for me to not think about it, which causes me to do it.

Something I forgot to mention is that I also frequently nod, and sometimes I nod so quickly/hard that my neck/head hurts.

BTW Musicocd, I'm a little confused by what you mean by feeling like everything doesn't exist...