Do you sometimes feel like we're still in the Dark Ages?


Well-known member
Ever get the sense they we're still in the dark ages? Does it get you down? Are you tired of people's dogmatic fatalistic authoritarian attitude? Do you love it when people tell you to "suck-it-up" or "it could be worse" or "at least your not a starving kid in a 3rd world country?" Do you ever wonder if cops actually know the laws they are suppose to be enforcing? Is it uphold "the law" or uphold "authority." Do you know the difference?
Yes. Look at the crime stats. and what people are doing to each other. It disgusts me. Too bad the ''authority figures'' won't actually punish evil doers. I don't believe a human predator can be rehabilitated enough to return to polite society. Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing... Makes me sorry for bringing children into such a screwed up world.