Do you often have people avoid talking to you without having met you before?


Well-known member
Do you often have people avoid talking to you without having known you or met you before? I have a couple of situations that happened to me. I was at a restaurant the other day and when the server asked for our order I usually get asked last. Also when I was at high school standing beside a classmate (just the two of us) a girl from another school goes up to my friend instead of me and asks where tickets are sold. There was also a time in Walmart where I was with a friend and a guy comes up to us and looks at my friend and asks my friend instead of me which gaming system is better? I just feel avoided sometimes. Maybe it's a common thing with people with social anxiety. Any of you have similar experiences?
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Well-known member
It's kind of weird. It's not like I notice myself giving any impression of wanting to be left alone. I was just normal as the people beside me. I guess I portray that image of wanting to be left alone without even noticing or trying to.


New member
I think there is such a thing as 'approachability'. In real life, if not in the dictionary. We 'socially anxious' peeps probably keep our heads down, avoid eye contact etc which gives off signals to other peeps that they should stay away. At least, I know I do that...


not actually Fiona Apple
Do you often have people avoid talking to you without having known you or met you before? I have a couple of situations that happened to me. I was at a restaurant the other day and when the server asked for our order I usually get asked last. Also when I was at high school standing beside a classmate (just the two of us) a girl from another school goes up to my friend instead of me and asks where tickets are sold. There was also a time in Walmart where I was with a friend and a guy comes up to us and looks at my friend and asks my friend instead of me which gaming system is better? I just feel avoided sometimes. Maybe it's a common thing with people with social anxiety. Any of you have similar experiences?

Yeah, but I try to be avoided. I don't want to be asked, so I don't present myself that way. If I'm starring at the ground and someone else is looking ahead and willing to help, they're going to go to the someone else.