Do you know anyone else with SA/is very shy?


Active member
In real life, like school/college/workplace.

I have not come across anyone in my year at school who is as shy/quiet as me, like I know a few people who are kinda shy, but can still have a proper conversation with people and speak out in class, etc.

It make me feel even more outcasted from everyone else to feel like I am the only one who is like this. So then I get paranoid about people realising that I'm the only quiet one and that they'll talk about me behind my back or something.


Well-known member
In my last few weeks in school I noticed someone who was a precise clone of me in a social enviroment, it made me stop and seriously think 'wow thats totally me'. Though that was a while ago and I believe this person moved out of the area.

The visual was very insecure and edgy, wide eyed and near-panic. Yes I can say that seems like SA. Other than this closest thing I have seen people like is just shy, no where near SA.


There are 2 people from my class whom I suspect may be Socially phobic. However, amazingly my parents are friends with a guy with sp. He even lent me a useful book on anxiety disorders. He is a lecturer at a university. 8O Im dead serious.


Well-known member
There's one guy who is around 19 years old at my workplace. He is even quieter than me, and he mumbles sometimes when he talks and to my knowledge he has no friends. Another guy in my workplace is quiet but he has friends and goes to rock concerts and plays in a band, whereas i have no friends and am a homedbody. One of my cousins who is the same age as me has not worked since leaving school 10 years ago, he's in the house all day and is very withdrawn, another cousin who is older than me hardly leaves his bedroom and has had drug problems.


New member
I've noticed alottt of people in my school who are extremely quiet, but they can still get along and talk to their own friends casually. I only know one other person other than me who is even more reclusive than I am, & hes very often absent from school. But I hate it when others dont understand how SP affects people, when they go "o yeah, i get nervous like that too when doin this or that..." its muchh more than nervousness, its absolute panic & fear, & they dont understand this. >.< makes me realii mad.


Well-known member
I am living in an on-campus apartment this year with 3 other girls. One of the girls is definitely shy. It almost seems like she's more shy than me. When I walk into the apartment, sometimes she will be at the kitchen counter and she won't even turn around to see who walked in or to acknowledge that someone just entered the room. It's so strange. Like I know that if I was in that situation, I would at least turn around and say "hey" or give a little nod as if to say "what's up?" But hell, I'm obviously shy too, so when I walk in and she doesn't say anything, I say "hi," but she doesn't respond, so I think I'm saying it way too softly. I don't know, I mean, I could take her actions as her being rude, but I'm pretty positive that it's because she is shy.

My other roommates have said things like, "oh, I don't think she likes us," but I've always stood up for her and have just told them that I think she is just shy.


Well-known member
A lot of my relatives are like this. It made me realize how stuck up shy people are!! It's no wonder shy people don't get approached often - every time I try to start a conversation with my cousin for example, he almost treats you like he's superior... until you get talking about something he's into.

I see this a lot with shy people, and it gives me more of a reason not to be one. Just being easily read is a good start.