Do you have low self esteem?


Well-known member
I do. And I'm usually depressed. Are these common problems associated with social phobia? I'm very tired of it all.


Well-known member
I have very low self esteem - i hate that this force beyond my control is dictating the way i feel about myself. I know on a rational level that i am no less than anyone else, but on a deeper level i don't believe that - that deeper level does not think very much of myself at all. I also hate the fact that all that shit is from what others have done, it has all been put there by other people and the fact that i feel this way means that i agree with them - i find that agreement so absolutely disgusting - but again that is on a rational level and that thinking really doesn't mean that much as far as my overall mind is concerned.


Well-known member
Exactly how I feel Red. I am intelligent, kind, hardworking, blah blah blah. I am a really cool person but feel like a foolish, undeserving slob. I'm very hard on myself. This post is a good example. I write, read it, rewrite, reread, rewrite.....and it still isn't right. (in my sick head)


Well-known member
If someone was to actually treat me in a less than deserving way i would and have taken great offence to it - it is so outrageous to me - but then i accept it from myself without a word - i know there is an explination for it and that to my mind it is logical to be this way - but it is so absurd when you think about it. I think of these two parts of myself - the rational and the subconscious as two different entities / two seperate beings - the subconscious is currently the reigning champion of the two, honestly i just wish the rational would win the fight already.


Well-known member
I most probably do but I'll have to say its not my fault that I have it. I think the thing about self esteem & confidence is that people who have lots of them r often people who r being praised for their achievements or looks & this in turn make them feel more confident because they know that they have gained the approval of their peers. But for me, I'm more oftrn than not condemned so I guess this results in low self esteem :roll:


Well-known member
Rational mind vs. irrational sub-concious

That's what drives me crazy! I hate knowing the truth yet not being able to overcome the bad feelings. I had one day a few years ago without any SP feelings at all. I went out, had fun and was so relaxed.

It's hard work keeping up the fascade day in and day out.
Walk out the door (who's looking?)
get in the car and pull out (I have to be extra careful not to hit anyone) drive down the street (check out of the corner of my eyes - anyone I know out?)
there is the nice neighbor lady (do I stop and talk, just say hi, wave??, I have to gauge how busy she looks. I don't want her to think I'm ignoring her nor too friendly, what if I stop to say hi and bother her?)
get to a four way stop (oh shoot is it my turn?)
went out of turn at stop (is that person mad?)
Stop at the stop light (somebody must be looking, what can I look at to appear casual?)
On and on stupidity, ad nauseum.

None of those feelings on that one day. I racked my brain about that wonderful day, trying to figure out why it was different than the rest. Never could figure it out. But, oh what a day!


Well-known member
I have low self-esteem. Even though I'm well into adulthood...and have been told nice things about myself as an doesn't seem to wipe out the feelings of inferiority I grew up with.


Count me in - I also have low self-esteem.

I did a CBT course last year which slightly helped but Ive found myself now back to feeling bad about most things I do or say. I seem to find its very rare that I can actually praise myself positively.

Take care, regards, Shy_uk


Well-known member
I have low self-esteem. I am really hard on myself, and I feel that others are also focusing on my character flaws or mistakes.


Well-known member
Fighter86 said:
I most probably do but I'll have to say its not my fault that I have it. I think the thing about self esteem & confidence is that people who have lots of them r often people who r being praised for their achievements or looks & this in turn make them feel more confident because they know that they have gained the approval of their peers. But for me, I'm more oftrn than not condemned so I guess this results in low self esteem :roll:

I know a lot of attractive people who have low self-esteem. The interesting thing about self-esteem is that life accomplishments do not improve our self esteem.

I have dated a lot and I typically have guys tell me I am "hot", but I never feel like I am.

I do feel that if the people around us give us conditions of worth, as in "if you are smart I will be proud of you" or "if you are attractive I will be proud of you" then it doesn't allow us to develop a positive self regard.


Well-known member
I actually have really good self esteem. Like, it's weird, because I'm a loner and sometimes I will think "like oh, I'm such a loser because I have no friends," but actually like 95% of the time I'm really confident in myself, I have good self-esteem, and I'm comfortable in my own body. And like I know that I'm intelligent, and I don't let other people tel me otherwise.


Well-known member
I've noticed that self-confidence level is not a constant thing. Sure, most times I feel lower than those around me, but every once in a while, I get these bursts of confidence when I get a taste of what it feels like to "feel" equal.

Its a real bitch trying to keep that tough internal judge at bay (look at you all sloppy looking, look how sharp those other guys are, you worthless POS).. Sometimes, all it takes is a funny look from someone to set that judge off on me. And if you work in a corporate environment, where you have power people in suits, and people that are as smooth as silk, it makes the ole confidence meter go below the zero notch. Once that happens, everyone can see it and the wolves in the pack POUNCE. They see that look of self-defeat and see me as weak (which is the worst thing you can be if you live in the Midwest, or maybe anywhere for that matter), which in turn makes the confidence go down even lower. Amazingly, though, my technical skills keeps me afloat, so I at least have a job (even if many at the job have zero respect for me), so I guess I gotta take that one trait and run with it!

Now i'm at the point where I can go home after work and pep myself up (if I can't do it, then a call to someone back home will help pull me through), and when I go into work the next day, i'm good to go, at least until noon, then it goes downhill again. At least it's better then before, where I would be depressed and down on myself the entire day.

Well, time to go to bed and start another day!


Well-known member
I have no reason to have low self esteem but I do I think it's part and parcel of SA as we tend to not be very confident in ourself's. I also noticed the slightest thing can put me in a bad mood grrr is that just me or is it just because people with SA tend to be quite sensitive.


Active member
I do have low self esteem, but my co-workers & friends don't notice it! I've confided to them about my anxiety and they couldn't believe it! The thing is, my coming out with it, made them open up to their own "problems", depression, seeing a psych, etc.

I always have this same "soundtrack" playing over and over in mind, that people won't like me, or they'll notice my anxiety and think I'm strange. You know, the physical sypmtoms that you get, blushing, sweating, afraid to speak in meetings/public. I force myself to do those things, eventhough I look like a trembling chihuahua in the process of going about these staff meetings. :p


Well-known member
I got low self esteem, the more I try to overcome my depression and anxiety, the more depressed and anxious I become

low self esteem is like being trapped in quicksand, the more you kick and squirm and try to get, the faster you sink

the only way to get out is if someone cares enough about you to hold out a stick and pull you out, but if noone cares then you drown a slow and frustrating death sorrounded by filth


Well-known member
Faith said:
I do have low self esteem, but my co-workers & friends don't notice it! I've confided to them about my anxiety and they couldn't believe it! The thing is, my coming out with it, made them open up to their own "problems", depression, seeing a psych, etc.

I always have this same "soundtrack" playing over and over in mind, that people won't like me, or they'll notice my anxiety and think I'm strange. You know, the physical sypmtoms that you get, blushing, sweating, afraid to speak in meetings/public. I force myself to do those things, eventhough I look like a trembling chihuahua in the process of going about these staff meetings. :p

I know what you mean about the staff meetings... Every month we have those, the last one I went to, we had to introduce ourselves, and as my turn came closer, I got nervous, for apparently no reason, all I had to do was say my name and what I do.. I kept telling myself the fear was irrational, but as I started speaking, I must have had some wierd mannerisms, because people were looking at me differently as I was talking, differently then how they were looking at the other people as said they're spiel. Then, when I was asked a question by the Divisional President (really a good guy, but I don't think he quite understands my demeanor), another teammate (young girl, new to our team) chimed up for me, answering his question for me, basically making me feel like I was "owned" and couldn't speak for myself. I hate to take it this way, but it makes me worried that despite all my hard work (i've done A LOT for our department), I will get passed up for promotion by this young, outgoing lady, because of the damned SA :x .... Maybe she was trying to be nice, but it didn't feel that way (might be a flaw in how I perceive things? I dunno).

It's also embarasing when I lift my palm off the table and there is a sweat impression left from my nervousness. Damn, I HATE THAT!

Just trying to change my perception on things in hopes that the anxiety will go away. If that don't work, it's time to get on the meds.... I will do whatever it takes to shed myself of this disorder.