Do you have any pets? If so, what kind, and do they help you


I have a cat named Amber that I adore--she is so much company and she can always make me laugh!!

What kind of pets (if any) do the rest of you have--and do you find they help a lot with loneliness and depression??


Well-known member
I have a Mexican red-knee Tarantula called Judy.. I named her after Judge Judy as they both share many similarities.. I fed her a grass snake only yesterday & it took her almost 17 hours to eat the thing. Can you imagine sitting at a dinner table & eating a meal for 17 hours, you'd end up looking like Michael Moore..?!


Well-known member
I have a cat who is 13 years old and I've had her since she was a tiny kitten. I love her dearly. My son, who is 10, always wanted a dog. Two weeks ago we got him a puppy, and I regret this decision every day :roll: . I am just not a dog person. A dog just doesn't fit my personality. My cat does, and I guess that's why I love her. I've always loved cats.


New member
I have four guinea pigs. They are hardly the best animals for providing company, but they're very cute and make me smile sometimes. :) And the way they lick their paws to clean them is absolutely adorable.


Well-known member
omgosh ^^^^^, i love guinea pigs. i used to have one for almost 5 years, but she died.

so now i have 5 cats. i used to have more but some died this year. but my cats are awesome. they're litterally my kids. if i didnt have any cats i would probably go crazy. and sadly i spend ALL of my time with them....sick aint it???


I have two dogs (labradors), Ive had one of them for four years and she's such a companion to me (when others aren't). then when my depression was at a real low I suddenly decided to do something impulsive and mad to cheer me up, so went out and bought another pup (took hubby some persuasion), she's fantastic and no regrets. Its lovely to see them both play together, and feeling the bond form between us. Theres nothing like the unconditional love from a pet, there the best.