Do you hate changes in your life and love the past?


Well-known member
I hate it when things change in my life. It can be anything,moving house,or less important things such as a new professor or a new work supervisor. Anything new makes me feel very sad,I can't fit in new circumstances and I usually think about the past,I love the past. Does anyone feel the same?


I often miss the past, especially thinking back to when I was a child. Back then I didn't care so much what ppl thought of me and was more open in some ways, like for example when I was 8 I had the guts to go on and on about wanting some Crayola markers for Christmas to girls in my class who sat at the same table, but who weren't my friends. I could never do something like that now with a group of adults. I guess I just miss not having the fear to do and say certain things coz when you're a child you don't really think about the consequences of your actions or agonize so much over whether you should or shouldn't do something, it's a more simpler and freer time, well it was for me.

I also just miss there not being much pressure to conform certain standards in society when you're a child, like it feels like you're expected to be able to talk to other ppl in so many situations as you get older, but when you're a kid it can be almost a good thing if you don't talk coz to others it's a sign of good behaviour. You know that "seen but not heard" mentality.


Well-known member

Change is difficult, it needn't be. It is an entirely natural part of life.

Because things are changing all the time, we feel anxious about even the small changes that seem to invade our way of doing things or way of existing, it shakes us.

Where does the past exist? Where does the future exist?

In our mind, this is where our sadness arises. We hold onto the past because it appeared to certainly happen, in our mind we feel comfortable because we knew nothing really bad happened, it seemed safe. We hold onto feelings from the past that make us feel good and project future situations and paths that we think will make us happy.

Both these types of projections of our mind limit our sense of mental freedom in the way of accepting the present and because of this we find making decisions a nightmare - we feel we dont know what to do for the best, what path is right. This leads to us sticking to the norm not taking risks and hiding within our habitual ways of dealing with the world.

We have all felt like this - does it work? No. You know it only makes us feel sad.

Learn to accept that things appear then dissappear, nothing is fixed or as solid as solid as it appears.



Well-known member
I think changes can cause stress. If you have a routine life and all of a sudden you need to adjust to some unforseen event, it can be difficult.