Do you go shopping alone?


i actually go shopping alone quite often. i still feel anxious and stuff when paying at the registers, but that doesn't stopp me, even if its not essential shopping. i can control my anxiety with browing in department stores and supermarkets. i try to ignore the posh ones and boutiques though. my strategy is to appear rude and in a rush so they don't talk to me..some even don't look at me..which is fine by me if u ask. but i guess if someone starts to chat adn be friendly, then i totally freak inside!


i wouldn't want to shop alone, but i think its fun-er to do so. i can go where i want and take my time. however, i always have the fear that people will judge me for shopping alone.

Once, i was alone in a shopping centre when i met a friend, she was like.."oh, you're alone?" i quickly went.." going for a seminar u see.." Well, i wasn't lying, i did JUST have a seminar. i just don't want people to think that i've got no one to shop with even though, i DO NOT
HAVE many people to shop with.

Eventhough im away from home right now and not many people know me, im still afraid of shopping alone in case i happen to bump into anyone familiar.

and i loveee shopping. oh well, at least, there is Ebay!


Well-known member
I have noone to go shopping with ever so if I want to buy anything then I have no choice

shopping in supermarkets is usually one of the most stressful times of the week for me but a neccisity if I want to eat

the few places Im reasonably comfortable going to usually include takeaway stores (I dont feel judged as much when buying fatty food cause I know everyone else in the shop is buying the same thing!) and oddly enough DVD shops, I guess thats because DVD's is a release for me and I enjoy picking out which ones to add to my collection

shopping in malls/department stalls is something I avoid at all costs. I'd rather wear tatty clothes than have to go to a store and buy new ones which doesnt help my appearance much. I tend to get very worked up in these kind of situations, especially when I feel a panic attack coming on and then I find my path to the exit down the aisle is blocked by other people. I guess my natural reaction is a lot like that of a 1 tonne seal (similiar looking to me too) when it finds its exit to the sea is blocked.

had this happen to me when exploring some sea caves once and heard this big sneeze from the back of the cave. next thing I knew, one tonne of furry blubber came charging out straight towards me, grunting and snapping at me.

thats how I feel when Im in a department store or mall, like a tonne of blubber thats willing to charge and knock over people to get out of the situation if I have to. but I never do, I just stand there and have a massive panic attack and look like a complete idiot.

I wish I was as gutsy as a seal :(


Well-known member

Hey guys!

I quite like shopping most of the time but when it comes to queing up and paying for stuff I find it really hard. I am fairly chilled walking about looking at stuff and lifting clothes I'm going to buy or filling my basket if I'm food shopping but paying is horrible!

I sometimes even get so anxious while queing that I walk out of my position in the que and go off as if I've forgotten to get somethign on my list. Then I walk up a few isles and calm myself down and build up the courage to go back and que again. That has only happened a few times but often I come close to that feeling of 'abort mission'

I have this stupid crazy emergency escape plan worked out in my head that helps me to feel like I have an escape route. I tell myself that if things get tough and I'm in the que and decide I can't go through with the checkout stress I can just take out my phone and pretend to answer it (as if it had been ringing on vibrate in my pocket) and pretend to act like something was wrong and then say ''oh my god are you ok? right, I'll come and pick you up''. Then I can just put my basket down infront of everyone and leave the shop in a hurry and people will think someone I know has been in an accident or something and will underatand why I just left the shop so suddenly. It's really stupid I know and I don't think I would ever need to use it but it's good to have an escape plan rather than to feel trapped.

Does anyone else hate the checkout part most?


Well-known member
I dont feel akward while shopping alone, but while alone I tend to run in after a certain pre-determined item then run back out.

Going out tho eat somewhere alone is where I feel like the fool. Sitting there, all by yourself, usually at a big table made for several people. It just doesnt seem that enjoyable when alone.


Active member
I love going shopping late at night, because the supermarkets are mostly empty! I go with one or two of my crazy flatmates, and we write a really silly shopping list before we go that usually includes lots of spelling errors and mad items like "juice weasels!" and "a poodle wearing a top hat". Sometimes I get really embarressed by the shenanagins that the boys get up to, but its always better than shopping on my own!


Well-known member
I used to be able to go in some shops alone. Now I have a serious aversion to shops. Or is that just anywhere where I might encounter people? :?


i hate shopping, when i know that i am going to the mall i get really excited because i like clothes and things but as soon as i get there the anxiety hits me and it just goes downhill. i think my problem is that i have trouble collecting my thoughts there is so much to choose from in the mall and it can get so overwhelming and it doesn't help when my mom is there telling me to hurry up. i think i'd do better if i went alone i'd be able to slow down and go at my own pace, which would be nice and maybe i'll actually enjoy it :)


I always shop alone. i don't have any friends. I don't mind looking like a loner. whenever i want to buy something I just go and buy it. My plan is to make a routine when I go out so I go out every friday very early so there is less people. I leave at around 9am and come home before noon because that's when people tend to wake up or go to work. if i don't make a routine i'd be too anxious to go out on a random day.

I hate lining up because the ppl behind me might be looking at how weirdly i'm standing or where my arms are. the worse part is definitely teh chekout. I'm scared when they say hi or something and i say it bak so quietly they don't hear me and think i'm rude. I also get very nervous when i have to wait while they are beeping the things. It seems like a very long time and i don't know where to look so i look at the floor.


I don't like to go shopping very much...especially clothes shopping because i feels like everyone is watching what i buy and the size i have in my hand..i really don't like shop assistants either..i hate it when they come up and ask me how i am or ask me if i need any help..i usually just say no and try to avoid them so they won't come near me..