do you go out often?


Well-known member
i kno sum ppl who go out to for a walk or to just chill wit sum friends. but i dont have any friends to chill with and i'm scared to go out incase of bumpin into sum1 familiar. i only go out if i really HAVE TO like school for instance, but now i've finished school forever and i've got 3 months holiday till i start college. great. i'm gonna have to force myself to go out cos theres no way in hell that i'm gonna stay indoors for three months.

how many times on average do you go out?


Well-known member
i go to work week on a saturday...friends houses whenever i feel like it...just cant go out to public places like bars/clubs or go to new places and feel comfortable. Now i force myself to go even if i have been sick about it because its better to feel sick and have a life than to feel lonely and sit at home and regret not living.


Well-known member
Well,my going out includes only the daily routine,work-school. I rarely go out for fun. I've no friends anyway,just go out with my family. That's boring sometimes!


Well-known member
not really. i mean i chill alot with friends but as far going out to bars or parties-almost never. though i get invited alot - i usually say " ill see whats up" and never really have no intentions of going. ive been trying to be more social lately though- ive been seeing some slight improvments.


Well-known member
I didn't go out that much in the past but I been trying to go out more often now.Nothing special,just taking walks out side and going to the mall.I find the more I go out,the easier it is to go out.I have to make sure I dont' fall in to my tendency to isolate my self in my house.


Well-known member
Once a day on average, meaning sometimes twice and sometimes zero, and mostly just to go to uni and come back. Never I do anything in the evenings since a ling time. On sunday I sometimes go outdoors (cycling or mountaineering) either alone or with some "friends-acquaitances" that I don't see otherwise in the course of the week, and who know nothing about me. Yes, my life is screwed up rather badly. :)


Well-known member
I go out to work every weekday. I actually go out quite a lot, just to play soccer in my front yard, go for a drive, go to my grandparents pool. I don't ever really go out with friends though, being as I don't technically have any. If anything I just go out to places with my mom and dad, shopping, running errands, etc.


Active member
I go out very little, once or twice a week is the norm. I'm currently not working because I feel whatever job I could get I would mess up do to my lack of confidence and intelligence. I feel very out of place in any social setting, pretty much feel like the people there can tell I don't belong. In the summer I sweat from all the heat, this adds to my anxiety. Rather then face the possible questions and stares I just keep to myself which is very lonely but "safe". I really haven't had many experiences in my life because of my fears and general lack of confidence.
I'm amazing how some people talk to other people and feel comfortable doing so. I feel the more a person learns about me the more they will see how messed up a person I am not want to be around me. I find it difficult to get close to anyone and pretty much shut myself off from people/friends/love/enjoyment all basicly cuz I'm afriad....afraid of life, of people, of failing, of living, of dieing, of making the wrong decisons, so instead I make none. I don't really live my life and wish I could give it to someone that would enjoy and use it.


Active member
Indecisive, you sound just like me /cries for us.

When I was going to college I felt a bit more social, because "I was doing something with my life."


Well-known member
Being unemployed, that makes me spend all my time at home. I do go out, with my mum, like every Friday we go food shopping and i sometimes go if my sister isn't, or pop to the pet store that's awalk away but not too far, or we go round the local lake. I go into town sometimes on Saturday's with my parents (not with any friends, coz i don't have any lol), go to my nans for weekends, or my Grans on Sunday's for the afternoon, very veerrryy rarely go to the cinema. nothing special like go to nightclubs and pubs and such. On Saturday though, i'm going on holiday for 2 weeks and we'll be going places, i'm abit nervous with the eating out bits, but then i get excited coz we'll be doing things we don't usually do much, like go visit castles, and go to the beach, walks, stay in a cottage etc.
But, i'm hoping to go into a pub and have a drink :D


Well-known member
MariahCarey said:
i'm gonna have to force myself to go out cos theres no way in hell that i'm gonna stay indoors for three monthsquote]

Instead of thinking of it like that ^^^ try thinking of it more like that you are going to go out and enjoy the outside and go for walks to pass your time, just try and take the negativity away from it and remeber that nothing bad is going to happen.

when you go out and if you meet people then have a pre planned excuse ready, have a quick hello and then say somthing like "iam running late" or my bus is due, just have somthing ready so your not put on the spot.

Think of it this way, you can spend 3 months in the house and the time will pass and you may regret it or you can use this 3 month as a sort of time to help you change and become more socialy confident for college.


for a while i could not go to the bars,i think it was a closterphobia when i gurlfriend always checks to makesure there is a quick exit for me and once i see it im usually fine for the rest of the night, or if im drinking i dont care one bit haha but well i quit drinkin too

during the summer i find i dont go out (scared of hot) my phobia, slowly i try and get over it i sit in the sun then come in and cool off, but taking a bus is gettin to be real hard makes sense to me but not to anyone else
mostly in the summer im out during the evening!!
works for me! not that i go out much, good thing i have a bf


Well-known member
I go out much more often than I used to do. A few years ago, I remember one occasion when I never left the house for over a week. :( :( Weekdays, I have work to go to, and on the weekends, I usually go shopping or attend an event e.g. rugby match. Bars/ nightclubs are a no no for me at the moment.

When I actually have a week off from work (which doesn't happen often enough for me), I like to go away for a few days exploring the rest of the UK.


Well-known member
Doing a course at home I don't need to go out that often but I try to go out a least once or twice a week to do any errands I have to do. Its good to get out and have a look at things, but I'm not going to go out just to have a walk ,just to say I've been outside. I like to have a reason for getting out, like going to get some milk and bread or posting something otherwise I feel like I'm just wasting my time.