Do you find it hard to speak when anxious/self conscious?

Do you find it hard to speak when anxious/self conscious?


I was just wondering how many others have this problem. I am sure we all have different reasons about what triggers our anxiety and fear around people, for myself it is being so self conscious being looked at - fearing being judged negatively as ugly for how I look. So in many situations where eyes are on me I get so self conscious and anxious and when I have to talk it is just so hard to speak, I feel like I need to swallow every 5 seconds, I feel my voice being so shaky and am worrying about my voice going high pitched or I just won't get my words out.

Last week at work I had to go to this girl and ask for some documents. When I was talking to her and she was looking at me I was so self consicous and anxious and having to speak when feeling that huge anxiety is torture - I honestly didn't think I would get all my words out, it is so humiliating because I know I am coming across as a scared and anxious and like there is something wrong with me.

I know it is the anxiety that is causing the problem - the anxiety triggered by being so self conscious being looked at so that is what I need to fix to stop my problem. But it is so frustrating for me because it is not about what to say to people, I just cannot say what I want to say because speaking is so difficult because of the anxiety of being looked at.

Does anyone else have the same problems of finding it hard to speak when anxious or are you able to hide how nervous/anxious you really are and speaking is not a problem?


Well-known member
its really odd because when i'm at work its a small space with about 10 or so people walking around so if someone approaches me i can either be really funny and confident or i switch into self conscious mode and mumble or even whisper, this is generally when i'm forced to talk around 3-4 people talking to each other already.. i tend to mumble, its all in my head but thats how i behave because of intense self consciousness/self doubt.
i hate myself for it and i can't wait to switch it off.

this is the whole conumdrum i have working in a "building site" environment, its actually a kitchen but because of the numbers of people around me and the pace, its like being in an asteroid belt of egos which can be great exposure but equally as difficult and uncomfortable...alot of people don't like the building site situation of employment, its hard to be creative in that environment. you have people, good people but its very distracting to your own concentration.
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