Do you feel that others don't leave you alone?


Well-known member
I don't know if anybody else experiences this. People always interfere in my life,even to the smallest things. My parents are very angry that I'm here,especially that I chat here. I've told them once that I chat and since then they always tell me that it's dangerous. I've told them so many times that this is a supportive forum and not a porn site,but there's no difference for them! For God's sake,I'm not a baby,when is everybody going to learn that? Also,many other people don't leave me alone. They ask me so many details about my life and they're so rude with me,while I'm so kind with everybody. Why I respect them and nobody respects me? Probably they take advantage of my quiet character. Does anybody have the same problem and what do you do with people like that?


Well-known member
Fortunately I have my own laptop, so I don't have to tell anyone what I look at online. However every other aspect of my life is watched ceaselessly by every member of my family. It's really annoying me at the moment. I can't go out, even for a walk, without being asked where I am going, and when I get back, what I got up to. I'm not working at the moment, so they basically know every move I make.
I'm not likely to do anything noteworthy anyway, but it would be nice to have the option of being able to do it without scrutiny. (eg, I would love to go out and get laid 8O , but what are the chances of that happening with my whole family watching?!)


I sometimes feel quite the opposite. I have my own computer in my own room, printer and everything, and my parents will probably never know what i do here.
Most people seem to ignore me, and quite frankly, couldn't care less. I'm fairly young, yet i can go out without telling anyone where i'm going, i don't have a mobile so they can't contact me while i'm out, and i can come back at virtually any time i wish to.

But sometimes, i really wish they'd care more. I wish they'd insist i have a mobile, and i wish they'd call me to make sure i was okay. They should set a time for me to be home by, and know where i am most of the time. They should also get or even act a little worried when i tell them that i log onto chat and forum sites, maybe even lecture a little. I suppose because i'm quiet i automatically seem like a responsible person, who can take complete care of herself in everything, and really, i can't. Not everything.

Especially in these Summer holidays, i wish that people would NOT leave me alone so much. I'm not working or school-ing, and i'm on my own in the house for up to a few days at a time.

Heh, sorry. What i've said is pretty different from what you said and asked the opinions for. I guess i'm hoping you'll find the opposite viewpoint interesting.
Just remember that it's far better to be worried about than to not be, and these people that treat you in this way surely are doing what they believe is best for you. Make sure that they know how you feel about this, though.