Do you feel always judged?


Active member
I do somewhat. It really depends on the person honestly(which I guess I'm judging them to determine this part). The people who are outgoing to me I have a lot less trouble interacting with, so I don't really think about it(unless they're female).

It's the other quiet ones like me who worry me the most, which is odd isn't it?

Fear of people

Well-known member
Do you feel like your always juged by others negatively? Like non-stop every time with other? Second guessing every thing you say, feel inferior to everybody? Think that they see you inferior? Without reason( seriously I don't even know why I feel like that, there no logic).

Do you have difficulty concentrate on life and discussion just because of that? Does that depressed you?

And say to yourself you dont give a crap about what they think don't change nothing?

Am I schyzo?

I do have a script from my doctor...for anxiety called lexapro...haven't as yet had it filled. I am currently taking alepam (oxazepam) for anxiety...because it is fast acting and only take these tablets if I feel extremely anxious in public places.


Well-known member
Sometimes I do. Most of the time it has no basis in reality, but there's always a niggling feeling in the back of my head.