Do you ever worry your friends will stop bothering with you?


Well-known member
Does anyone worry that their friends will stop bothering with you because of your anxiety around them and at the world at large? I guess its part of the whole rejection thing.


Well-known member
Yep I know what your talking about i'm like that to and it is part of the rejection thing.


Well-known member
Thats one of my main fears, i always think people wont like me cuz i'm boring then they'll tell other people and everyone will leave me and i'll be all alone. Seems pretty silly when i write it down like this but thats how i feel a lot of the time. :(


Well-known member
Re: Do you ever worry your friends will stop bothering with

rko74 said:
Does anyone worry that their friends will stop bothering with you because of your anxiety around them and at the world at large? I guess its part of the whole rejection thing.

Well they already did, actually.


Well-known member
Re: Do you ever worry your friends will stop bothering with

Quixote said:
Well they already did, actually.

CorrinaElizabeth said:
already happened......
So you see, rko74, there's nothing to worry about! Quixote and corrinaelizabeth worried about the same thing, but then...oh,, never mind...

J/K :wink:


Well-known member
Because I never had many friends it was easy for me to see them now and then without them feeling I was trying to get away from them or not wanting to see them. I always felt fine around friends I had known for a long period of time anyway, but now they have busy lives/busy jobs and we barely see each other anymore anyway.
But a few years ago my best friend got caught up in Scientology through a g/f of his, thought he was smarter than that, and never heard of him since.
My other friends aren't close enough to get the feeling i'm putting off seeing them, but can ring them up if i'm feeling really lonely.


Well-known member
i went for weeks without talking to one of my best friends. She can't understand it when i try to explain and i feel guilty because i'm not the only person my anxiety effects. When it starts effecting friends and family i get so fed up with myself. I feel like i want to apologize and i do alot of the time but there's really no way of being understood. They think i don't care and i'm just blowing them off but it's the opposite. They don't understand if someone really cares why they wouldn't be able to show it like everyone else, they dont get sometimes i just can't.


Well-known member

Yeah i have this new friend, and i havent had a decent friend since like junior high.I can get a little nervous at times and he kinda detected that today when i went up to his place.It kinda annoyed me to hear him say how come your nervous.I didnt know what to say really, what could i have said? I guess i worry he will not like me anymore cause of that fact.Could anyone give me some advice on what to say when your friend sees your nervous and anxious, and says to you why.What do you say etc? :(

I think alot of my nervousness is from not feeling confident in speaking in general.When i talk im really soft spoken and cant project myself too well, i just feel inept at talking i guess haha.


Well-known member
Re: yeah

rko74 said:
Yeah i have this new friend, and i havent had a decent friend since like junior high.I can get a little nervous at times and he kinda detected that today when i went up to his place.It kinda annoyed me to hear him say how come your nervous.I didnt know what to say really, what could i have said? I guess i worry he will not like me anymore cause of that fact.Could anyone give me some advice on what to say when your friend sees your nervous and anxious, and says to you why.What do you say etc? :(

I think alot of my nervousness is from not feeling confident in speaking in general.When i talk im really soft spoken and cant project myself too well, i just feel inept at talking i guess haha.

Ive noticed that people dont mind that much if your shy! or hesitant because they just want some company and appreciate the interest and thats the positive to look at.


Active member
If I had a friend, I'd never reject them. I was recently abandoned by someone I had talked to for hundreds of hours on AIM over three months. It hurt so much. I couldn't bear to cause anyone that pain.


hell yeh.

thats how i got depressed. no support.

they left me with a knife in the back half in to fall on so it would go deeper.

thats when you find your real friends.


i understand what you mean jinxed about needing space from people and you not knowing just how long for. For me I get so worried that I cannot fix this that I just cannot cope with putting people through this it doesn't mean that that I don't care its actually the opposite I just don't want to inflict my negativity on others. Cherish... I have exactly the same thing when I go to friends houses... the only thing is that they havent said to me that I look nervous but I am constantly aware that I do appear nervous which intensifies the feeling. I just try to deep breath and think about something else at the same time. I'm still working on that though!!


Well-known member
I also need space with my friends, like Jinxed. My contact with them is very exhausting for me, cause I feel like they're stick with me cause Im not as talkative and spontanious as they are. I feel bad with them and also without them.