Do you ever get or think of getting revenge?


When you're hurt, do you keep it to yourself and hate someone more(add to the previous amount of hate) or do you just let it go after a few days?

Do you get revenge on the person when you get the chance later or not?

My mind is filled with negative thoughts about different things that I've been through, and first i hated it... then slowly, over a period of time(weeks, months) i realized that i like to think negative, I like to hate some people that i dislike and think of a revenge, even if they're a family member or a close friend. Does anyone enjoy having negative thoughts?

Personally by revenge I'm not talking about anything physical, like injuring someone... mostly mental, or like getting in their way, destroying their relationships while they're trusting you... wait wait wait and when the right time comes, give them a huuuuge psychological and mental 'blow'.


Well-known member
Revenge and vengeance. It's only natural to want to get back at those people.

My opinion? Don't do it.
It's been my life experience that karma always comes back and gets all the revenge on those people. Often in much worse ways than I would have done by getting revenge.

Let life balance itself out my friend. :wink:


Well-known member
Karma for me, too. I will think back on situations and I always hope that the person who caused me embarrassment -because of their ignorance to shy people- will learn from what they did by suffering through something similar. One can always hope, anyway.
I would always want to get revenge in a very very creative and obsessive way when I was younger. It's hard to describe what I mean. But I'm not like that anymore, because I realize that I'm really the one with the problem.


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel like its good to let things out. Some time ago I started to be able to be more honest with the way i feel, at least with close friends. If i feel they've wronged me i "get revenge" i blow up, yell at them, whatever. I tell all our mutual friends about how i've been wronged by that person until they all agree that person sucks for doing it. And i actually think its healthy, and fair to the other person as well. Because i'm not letting resentment build up inside me and hating the person in secret.

If they are good enough people and its really their fault, they will go "yeh... i was an ass wasn't i haha". And we can go on being friends and some time later, all that anger will just become another joke "remember that time you did X to me? man i wanted to rip your head off".

But theres no way i can stay friends with someone if deep down inside i'm secretly angry at them.


I can say i'm virtually cured from SA, with only very few issues remaining. But my past social phobia, for the first 20 years of my life, have definitely left scars on me that i'm not going to forget, and it really forged the way i am.

After being bullied back in school by especially one guy i developed i few philosophies. I always praised survival and i figure people with SA don't really thrive at survival in our current social society (and it is only going to become more and more social and connected with social networking and cell phones and other gadgets). SA is a disadvantage we have.

But on the other hand it's not really our fault we have it, in the majority of cases. But it doesn't change things. And i always believed in "survival of the fittest", very neoliberalism. I now don't care about those who have been through injustices and who suffer injustices.

The world is a JUNGLE, and if you can't adapt you're going to get screwed. That's the way things have been and will be. I accepted the fact that i got screwed for the first 20 years of my life and only recently have been able to pull my life together. So i'm really now an individualistic and egoist person, and i'm sure it's because i suffered from SA and no one could really help me.

Maybe i'm still waiting to revenge on the world and nature. But in the same time these feelings of revenge and anger have made me stronger and more focused on my goals. The fact that i'm extremely polarised at individuality made things very clear for me and my goals. I had to get the bright side of virtually "losing" the first 20 years of my life you know?

I do have one name of this guy that mercelessly bullied me. While i will never sit in self pitty because that DOES NOT HELP AT ALL, and while i accepted the fact that i couldn't fit enough to thrive, when i DO fit and i'm sure i will, when i do become successful and rich and i'm sure i will (because people with SA are like beasts in a cage and when they are set free the world together can't stop them), i will screw that guy's life. Wherever he is, i will go and secrectly pull the strings and make him lose his job his wife and lose his wealth if possible and ideally.

I had to survive, now let's see of that s*cker will be able to survive too.


Well-known member
My downfall is that i am a bitter person. If someone has upset me in any way i can't stop thinking how much i hate the person. But i think that it's bad to harbour bad thoughts all the time.


recluse said:
My downfall is that i am a bitter person. If someone has upset me in any way i can't stop thinking how much i hate the person. But i think that it's bad to harbour bad thoughts all the time.

Bitterness is sort of a part of me too. Many scars. But i like it, i keep it in check to be only enough bitterness to be healthy and motivating. I don't let it consume me or make me sit in self pitty, because that's ridiculous and isn't helping anyone.


Well-known member
sylar988 said:
But in the same time these feelings of revenge and anger have made me stronger and more focused on my goals.

This is exactly what my father told me. He said outright. "Son, we have the same problems, we both have depression, and we're both quiet. But I have a fire in me that you don't have. I can get angry at injustice, get angry at being pushed around, get angry at losing, and use it as fuel to win."

and so i've been trying to cultivate this "fire" in myself too, and I realised that its ok to be pissed, and its also ok to show it, and its ok, even necessary to fight back, because if theres anything we SA people need more of, its agression.

edit: ...well "aggression" and spell check.


Well-known member
Mike87 said:
When you're hurt, do you keep it to yourself and hate someone more(add to the previous amount of hate) or do you just let it go after a few days?

Do you get revenge on the person when you get the chance later or not?

My mind is filled with negative thoughts about different things that I've been through, and first i hated it... then slowly, over a period of time(weeks, months) i realized that i like to think negative, I like to hate some people that i dislike and think of a revenge, even if they're a family member or a close friend. Does anyone enjoy having negative thoughts?

Personally by revenge I'm not talking about anything physical, like injuring someone... mostly mental, or like getting in their way, destroying their relationships while they're trusting you... wait wait wait and when the right time comes, give them a huuuuge psychological and mental 'blow'.


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Also, just as YOU want men to do to YOU, do the same way to them. (luke6:31|NWT)

The golden rule, everybody wins.