Do U Think I Have OCD?


New member
im not sure if i have ocd(but i think i do). before i go to bed i always have to check my closet to make sure that nothing is there and its not like im scared, but i just have to. i also check the end of my bed every night over and over again. whenever i do these things i always do them 10 times. i also make sure my windows are locked over and over again and im sure no one is there because we have an alarm system but i just have to do it. i also feel like sometimes if i don't say goodnight to my family like something bad will happen to them when i know that's crazy. and when im walking on tiles or at the mall ill sometimes count each step and when im in a car and other cars go by me ill count those too. please tell me if i have ocd thanks. and if so how should i tell my parents?

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Well-known member
Yeah. Sounds like compulsive behavior to me. Constant doubting and ruminating is a trait of OCD. If you want to tell your parents simply let them know you've been struggling with an anxiety disorder known as OCD and you need their help.


New member
Im pretty sure if it consumes more than a hour a day of your life then its classed as OCD. I would just be honest with them thou, its the first step.


Welcome to SPW! ;)

To be defined as OCD, your obsessions and compulsions must waste at least 1 hours of your day.