Do people have time for you?

Or do people seem to ignore you at every opportunity? I feel alot of the time that even if i'm positive and taking initiative, alot of the time people dont care, or are only friendly on a "superficial" level.

Does anyone else actually like having a conversation, but hardly gets the chance to, due to others lack of effort/enthusiasm?

It would be great if more people acted like "shop assistants", and had that "hey how are you" attitude. Its much more welcoming than turning your back to people and not looking at them!

I feel like: "hey! i am human too, show some damn respect.... please"
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Well-known member
Why would I blame them? They probably have a life.

This, and don't expect everyone to like you or find you sufficiently interesting to want to talk to you. Most people won't find you "fun to be around", so you have to increase the diversity of people with whom you interact on a preferably daily basis. It takes time to find people who "connect" with you, even more so if you aren't a highly social extrovert.
Why would I blame them? They probably have a life.


What i mean is that how come when i try to be friendly and be myself, people just treat me like they dont want me there. I mean, not everyone has to be nice and chat back, but do they have to ignore me at all times?

Surely there are people that would like to get to know me. I have only managed this on brief occasions in life. I dont understand why so many people take things for granted, and treat others like crap, as if they are the only people on the planet?

I guess i shouldn't get so frustrated and accept that most people aren't going to want to know/care about me. It would be nice if my effort to meet people actually worked out though.......


Well-known member

What i mean is that how come when i try to be friendly and be myself, people just treat me like they dont want me there. I mean, not everyone has to be nice and chat back, but do they have to ignore me at all times?

Surely there are people that would like to get to know me. I have only managed this on brief occasions in life. I dont understand why so many people take things for granted, and treat others like crap, as if they are the only people on the planet?

I guess i shouldn't get so frustrated and accept that most people aren't going to want to know/care about me. It would be nice if my effort to meet people actually worked out though.......

Saying "everyone" is rather misleading. What you mean is many of the people that you have met.

I can think of times when I would rather not talk to a certain person, even if they were trying to create a conversation. I'm not supposed to feel bad about it, because realistically, they aren't very high in terms of my priorities in life. If I want to get the attention of someone else, I can't complain about myself or about them -- I have to focus on an advantageous circumstance where the odds would be in my favor. Do I have much of a chance at starting a conversation with a random person on a bus? No. Do I have much of a chance at starting a conversation with a random person in Chem 401? Yes. Being together in a class gives me credibility and something we both have in common, increasing my chances. When there are no advantages via circumstance, your chances are probably based on looks and your type of personality. Those aren't very strong areas of mine, hence, this whole post.
Saying "everyone" is rather misleading. What you mean is many of the people that you have met.

I can think of times when I would rather not talk to a certain person, even if they were trying to create a conversation. I'm not supposed to feel bad about it, because realistically, they aren't very high in terms of my priorities in life. If I want to get the attention of someone else, I can't complain about myself or about them -- I have to focus on an advantageous circumstance where the odds would be in my favor. Do I have much of a chance at starting a conversation with a random person on a bus? No. Do I have much of a chance at starting a conversation with a random person in Chem 401? Yes. Being together in a class gives me credibility and something we both have in common, increasing my chances. When there are no advantages via circumstance, your chances are probably based on looks and your type of personality. Those aren't very strong areas of mine, hence, this whole post.

Damn, i know that when i haven't spoken to people, it was just because i was anxious. I still try to ACKNOWLEDGE people whenever possible. I think thats really what i mean. Just people accepting that i am there, and that its ok that i am around.


Well-known member
Damn, i know that when i haven't spoken to people, it was just because i was anxious. I still try to ACKNOWLEDGE people whenever possible. I think thats really what i mean. Just people accepting that i am there, and that its ok that i am around.

Well, that's the difference between a superficial connection and interest. You mentioned that in your original post -- so long as you don't have qualities that stand out very negatively, people will probably treat you with some level of respect. If you're looking for an engaging conversation or a non-superficial connection, my post applies more to that.


Well-known member
Personally, I'm the "turning your back to people and not looking at them" type person, myself. When it comes to strangers, sometimes I'm just too scared to talk to them, or don't know what to say back, so I just act like I don't hear them because I don't know what else to do.
But I still feel that no one wants anything to do with me & I feel that, when it comes to the few people who know of my difficulty in talking to people, they should make more of an effort. Since they don't there just ends up being no communication at all. I try to do what I can, but it never seems enough.
Personally, I'm the "turning your back to people and not looking at them" type person, myself. When it comes to strangers, sometimes I'm just too scared to talk to them, or don't know what to say back, so I just act like I don't hear them because I don't know what else to do.
But I still feel that no one wants anything to do with me & I feel that, when it comes to the few people who know of my difficulty in talking to people, they should make more of an effort. Since they don't there just ends up being no communication at all. I try to do what I can, but it never seems enough.

Same for me (although sometimes i feel i try too hard aswell) I just end up feeling lame, and that i'm not wanted around. I really really want to meet nice people, then i would feel more accepted and could go out and be part of things. Being mostly isolated and lonely just feeds my anxiety, and probably magnifies my neediness.


Well-known member
My advice:
Be friendly and give the people your attention and time first. If you ever get the opportunity to have a conversation (that didn't happen really often with me) talk about what you think will interest the other person rather than what interests you. With some chance some of these people will then find you interesting enough and start asking you about yourself.
My advice:
Be friendly and give the people your attention and time first. If you ever get the opportunity to have a conversation (that didn't happen really often with me) talk about what you think will interest the other person rather than what interests you. With some chance some of these people will then find you interesting enough and start asking you about yourself.

Well thanks for the advice. I think that my general conversation skills are quite good, i can talk to people and look at their eyes, show respect etc.

The problem is that if the other person doesn't even look in my direction, it feels like they dont want me to talk to them. Or worse, if someone has a conversation with me, seems happy, but shows signs in body language that suggest they aren't liking the conversation.

I guess i shouldn't panic/worry about all this, but the only way to tell if someone is enjoying spending time, is when they are actually friends.

Its impossible to find potential friends. A potential friend could be someone that doesn't seem interested at first!?

I'm starting to learn that people may not be very trusting on a first meeting. Maybe my shyness looks like arrogance or aggresion? Its hard to get the chance to know people, usually in the past if i got past that stage, i'd be a good acquaintance, and then all of a sudden the other person would "stab me in the back", probably because they thought i was a loser?

I'm trying to progress, i really am, i want to so so much. Thanks to everyone for replying so far, these anxieties just play on my mind, and its better to let it out, than keep it eating away at me.


I'm starting to learn that people may not be very trusting on a first meeting. Maybe my shyness looks like arrogance or aggresion? Its hard to get the chance to know people, usually in the past if i got past that stage, i'd be a good acquaintance, and then all of a sudden the other person would "stab me in the back", probably because they thought i was a loser?

I'm starting to think that people can almost "feel" the fact that we are feeling nervous or awkward and that makes them uncomfortable as well. Maybe that's just my personal experience but I think I might actually creep some people out on first meeting, though it's unintentional. So it doesn't surprise me anymore if someone tries to act like they didn't hear me if I try to start a conversation. Also, are you speaking loud enough? I know I tend to be too soft spoken so sometimes people quite literally didn't know I was talking or even in the room. Which is why I got the title "Office Ninja" lol.


Well-known member
What i mean is that how come when i try to be friendly and be myself, people just treat me like they dont want me there.

Why would you want to hang out with them in the first place? Judging by your description they sound like idiots:)

@jneal25: LoL "Office Ninja"
I'm starting to think that people can almost "feel" the fact that we are feeling nervous or awkward and that makes them uncomfortable as well. Maybe that's just my personal experience but I think I might actually creep some people out on first meeting, though it's unintentional. So it doesn't surprise me anymore if someone tries to act like they didn't hear me if I try to start a conversation. Also, are you speaking loud enough? I know I tend to be too soft spoken so sometimes people quite literally didn't know I was talking or even in the room. Which is why I got the title "Office Ninja" lol.

Definitely, although sometimes when i'm anxious my voice will be deeper than usual, and maybe people think i'm trying too hard to look "cool"? Once i'm comfortable and feel that theres no threat, then i can talk and laugh for ages. I have a good sense of humour (although its a certain type of humour, so some people would laugh really loud, while some others wont understand it at all).

I must say that i can mis-read people alot. When i see someone looking miserable/annoyed i think its aimed at me. But sometimes it may be because they've had a bad day, and the next time i see them, they are more "human".

I have lots to learn, and i'm greatful for suggestions/questions like you mentioned. I think that being loud/talkative and funny, then shy anxious and reserved makes me seem like i'm not treating everyone equal?

I dont think theres anything wrong with being quiet/shy, but i have seen others that have been put down because of it. I try to include anyone who wants to know me. I dont understand how just because someone is shy, that they get ignored. People probably think its too much effort, but its worth getting to know someone if they are a good person, no matter how "strange" they act.
Why would you want to hang out with them in the first place? Judging by your description they sound like idiots:)

Well at the moment i'm just trying to get out of the house and make conversation with people, or aquantances. I have succesfully spoken to a few people and had brief conversations. They seemed happy, and i felt that i looked approachable for a while.

My social needs have always been high, but my anxiety has prevented me from doing anything, so i yearn for the good, but am not willing to take big risks.

It has been difficult in the past because i have had to put up with difficult bragging egotistical "friends" that were damaging my confidence. They definitely wanted me around, but they would always keep obsessing about status, and HAD to be the best.
Some people do and some people don't. If they do then I don't push the issue. I may appreciate that you're taking the initiative, as should you, but you can't expect all people to feel the same. You're going to have to deal with people on a superficial level before you can connect with them. Just give it some time. Don't let yourself become discouraged and move on if you don't want to deal with certain people or if they don't want to deal with you. It's not common that a person will have meaningful connections/conversations with the majority of people they meet so don't sweat it.

It happens, but not everyone will be as enthusiastic and not everyone will put in that effort. Maybe they don't have enthusiastic personalities. Give people a break, you can't hold this against them.

People actually turn their backs to you and don't look at you? Do you just go up to someone and strike up a conversation with them? Again, it's great that you're making this effort, but you seem to be expecting too much of people. If you're expecting most people to live up to greeting you or interacting with you in a way that you would like or prefer then you're just going to end up feeling disappointed and possibly rejected.

Besides, that "shop assistant" attitutude is superifical niceness! It's their job to be friendly and welcoming, but the reason they're doing this is so that they can make a sale or comission. Not all people are going to be super warm, friendly and enthusiastic, but that doesn't mean they don't like you or that they're bad people. You'd hate it here because most people behave in a cold manner when they don't know you. Even if they do know you they're still not all warm and fuzzy.

Perhaps they don't share your idea of respect? It's quite possible that they don't realize that their behavior may come across as disrespectful to you. As long as people aren't trying to hurt you, you ought to learn to accept people the way they are. It's possible that people sense that you expect something from them and so that's why they behave the way they do.

In any case, I wish you the best.

I feel myself getting easily discouraged all the time. I keep waiting for things to go right, its painful every time nothing happens, or if its negative.

Sure, people are entitled to like/dislike others, but it usually seems like there are groups of people that act the same, and so i am easily ignored as i am an individual.

Ok, so at the moment i'm kind of at a crossroads. I've put effort into talking to more people at any chance really. I am confused, and i just get self concious when i am for instance, going to an appointment and the people there look at me as if to say im trying to hard to get attention. I am of course eager to meet people now, but i'm still humble and i dont like to force people to talk. I guess i have to be in a pleasant happy mood, or else i might scare people off.......

I really need to believe that (people might like me, despite not showing it). I'm used to not being comfortable, and no "warm/fuzzy" attitudes. I do like it when things go right. I guess its like a comfort zone, and it calms my anxiety. I know i have to get used to rejection and not being treated well...its hard to do. Its kind of impossible to have fun/chill out if i feel unwanted and uncomfortable, i get filled with panic, dread and anxiety. This is how i feel about parties etc. I'm not sure i'll ever get to something like that, i just want to progress enough to get a new job, and hopefully a girlfriend.

Subconciously i guess i feel that people that try and achieve high status are trying to be better than me, and want to make me feel bad. I cannot help these feelings, and i really want to accept others, so they can accept me.

Thats probably very true, i think they do sense i "expect" something from them. The thing is, its just an innocent friend plea from me, nothing else. Perhaps they get the wrong idea. I have to make sure my mood is lighter.

Thankyou serafina, you've put alot of thought into your response, and challenged some of my thought beliefs. The only way i will learn/get over my issues is if i can fully understand it, and fix what i'm doing wrong.
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If at first you don't succeed...What is important is that you keep things up. Don't you think that it's very brave of you to still keep trying although you don't necessarily get the kind of result that you would like? I think it is. Give yourself some credit and a pat on the back.

Exactly! Keep that in mind. Everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes, but at the same time no one is entitled to being liked or disliked by anyone. Yes, even if it would be pleasant if everyone liked us. If they ignore you then just move on. Who knows what's going on in their heads? People aren't always open and friendly, but that doesn't necessarily have to reflect negatively on them or on you.

Thing is, these people don't know that you are trying hard for a good reason. You're trying to get over your social phobia. I think that eventually as you become more comfortable in your own skin and in social situations, you won't have to try as hard. Things will get easier with more time, and exposure. If they're going to hold it against you that you're trying hard, then it's their problem not yours. You will eventually find someone who is more understanding. You don't have to be in a pleasant/happy mood for anyone else but you. Don't feel that you have to plaster on a smile for others.

Do you feel that you are unlikeable unless others like you? You're the first person that you have to make happy at this point. I'm not encouraging you to be a selfish jerk, but you have to think about liking yourself and not others liking you. Once you learn to be more comfortable in your own skin, others will follow. Rejection will never be a pleasant thing, but the more you like and accept yourself, the better you will be able to cope with rejection without it damaging your self-esteem.

People are competitive by nature. You shouldn's see this as a threat or a personal attack. If someone is trying to make you feel bad it's most likely because they're insecure douche bags. Think about the kind of person one would have to be in order to wish to make another person feel bad. If you know that someone is trying to do this to you just shake your head or laugh it off. You'll come out the bigger person. Again, although you may accept or want to accept others, you should never expect them to do the same with you or anyone else. All you can do is make sure that you are accepting, kind or attentive. Don't worry about what others choose to do because you can't control that. It's not your responsibility to control what others accept or do not accept. Also, just because you accept a person, even if they know this, doesn't mean that they will automatically accept you. It seems unfair but that's just how life is. That is how people are. It doesn't have to be devastating.

I know this and you know this, but you can't expect others to know. Others may or may not get the wrong idea, but it's not your responsibility to control this. They're adults just as you are.

You're welcome, sweetie. You're already challenging yourself by putting yourself out there. It takes a lot of balls for people like us to do what you're doing. I think this is something worth being proud of. Keep challenging those negative thoughts and try replacing them with more rational, sensible thoughts. Things will not always be pleasant or easy, but it's important that you keep trying. Keep your head up and be more forgiving of yourself. I have found that when I allow myself forgiveness, I find it easier to forgive others. Who knows? This might work for you too. Keep up the good work. :)

Well, its kind of like that. I'm not exactly going out every day etc. But i am trying to take any opportunities that pop up. I believe that my attitude has improved alot, and that i'm more happy, relaxed and more open to people. The problem is that i am starting to feel physical panic, i guess i get excited at the fact that i could be succesful, and it makes me on the edge.

Yeah, i've had a few times when i've felt ok, but my expression/body language was poor, so i probably closed myself to people, when i was actually desperate to meet others.

So many memories. Its ironic that as i grew up, i got more and more shy/reserved, yet i had more and more people wanting to know me. I never felt that they had any depth, and only wanted to know me on a superficial level. Which was true for the most part. I always hated it if people tried to make me smile in a picture, because if a smile isn't genuine it just looks awkward. And i think its the same for social situations, if i'm not comfortable i look awkward! Finding more understanding people will definitely help me overcome my anxieties. I honestly think i could go places and enjoy life with some nice people, if i ever find them.

Yeah, thats one of my problems. I've always felt more comfortable knowing if people liked me. If i'm standing around without knowing anyone, i start to feel embarrased and unwanted. Thats the plan (about rejection) i just need to stop the panic and dread.

You've got that right! (they have nothing better to do than show off). I believe that i am kind and accepting (mostly, unless they look shady/dangerous of course).

I do worry about what others choose, because sometimes it can be scary what they value, and i can feel very left out and different.

I know, its just upsetting if most people i want to know aren't bothered, it makes me feel that i'm not wanted because of my lack of social life. I think people should be judged on their personality, and not status!

Some of the most outgoing people are extremely childish. I feel childish because of my lack of social skills, but on the other hand i feel mature because of my sensibilities. Feeling like an adult can be difficult.

Yeah, i try to keep positive and motivated. But before/after socialising or going outside, i feel like i'm "going to get caught" (even though i've done nothing wrong) i feel over excited, filled with anxiety/panic. Mostly because i know that i haven't met anyone new, and that i'm going to spend the rest of the day/week/year lonely still.