Do i start taking Zoloft tomorrow morning? Help.


Well-known member
Hi all, really need to know anyone's opinion who has used Zoloft. Medication has been a last resort for me (especially anti-depressents) but the doc prescribed it for me today (at 50mg/day) as nothing else is really working. Can't find much about people's opinions of it on this site but it seems many people regret starting SSRI therapy. I just feel i'm at a crossroads and if i start taking it i may regret it, but if i don't i may never know how it could've helped me. It may also be of some relevance that my major symptoms are blushing and sweating and this fear of them happening is what keeps them occurring. Perhaps some drugs are better than others for these symptoms?

Do i start taking it tomorrow morning or don't i? I just don't know?


Well-known member
Take them. People either love or hate SSRIs, you will find most people on here complaining that they didn't work, hence they are still on this website trying other ways to overcome SA, you may be more lucky. I also remember having the same thoughts about taking Lexapro (another SSRI) but I got to the stage where I really needed to be on them and I never have regretted it since. As you say you will never know you never try. Zoloft is approved in Australia for social phobia so you know you may have some help from them.

Good luck and post how you go! Just remember you may have some mild side effects for the first few days, but short term pain for long term gain.


Well-known member
I would advise taking them, I have had fairly good results with SSRI medications on and off for five years. They don't cure you, just give you a little step up to help you on your way. Worst case scenario, they don't work for you, but then at least you can feel you tried.

Good luck with it, if you choose to take them I hope they help you as they have done me.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies. I think i'll give them a go. Will post the results in a month or so on this.


Well-known member
I stopped taking Zoloft because it made me MORE nervous, jittery, etc. I felt terrible.


Well-known member
Sorry it didn't work out for you, are you going to try a differnt type of anti-depressant?

Peace xxx


New member
dan_e said:
I stopped taking Zoloft because it made me MORE nervous, jittery, etc. I felt terrible.

Me too. I stopped last night after some crazy manic attack that I couldn't control. I'm terrified. Did anything else work for you?