Do I need to see a doctor?


I have all the typical symptoms of social anxiety disorder, but I dont think it's as bad as some of the stories I have read. I mean, I dont have a panic attack or faint and stuff, I just feel uncomfortable and very self conscious in social situations and have particular problems when it comes to eating and drinking with other people. Do I need to see a doctor or is this something I can deal weith myself? I'm not quite sure what the next step I should take is. I dont want to be like this anymore its a horrible thing.


Well-known member
If you feel it is something that is hindering your life then I would suggest a doctor yes.

Dealing with the problem yourself takes a helluva lot of determination and speaking to a doc can help in this sense, everyone needs a bit of assistance.

The various avenues are self help books and websites, swapping tips via forums and chatrooms or SA meetings, therapy, counselling, CBT, medication...hope I haven't missed anything out here, but those are the typical routes people seem to go down in order to sort themselves out.

I went to a social anxiety conference type meeting recently and a professional in the field who attended claimed that the CBT form of therapy was the most effective technique for combating SA, but it certainly isn't the most suitable for everyone and isn't always available to everyone.

So yes, you can deal with it yourself certainly but using a doctor for further advice or help will probably speed up the process. :)


Well-known member
Ametyl said:
I'm not quite sure what the next step I should take is. I dont want to be like this anymore its a horrible thing.
I think you are looking for someone to confirm what you already know. It's not easy taking that step to seek professional help, but it can be done.
Nah I disagree I think its easy to seek professional help, the people there are not there to judge you.

Talking to your Gp can only be a good thing they will put your mind at rest if there is nothing wrong and address the issue in a positive manor if there is a problem.
Unlike these forums, which are a good thing in my expierence, your Gp's advice should be sound, but some of the advice given within here should be taken with a pinch of salt.


Well-known member
I think you should see a doctor. I didn't really have serious physical symptoms but it still ruined my life. I am on medication and I am basically normal again. Cognative behavioural therapy (sorry if I spelt that wrong) helps too. Just going to the store or something. Start out small. But getting out and facing it does help. I didn't want to believe that at first... but it really does help. But doing nothing and hoping that it will pass won't help.


Well-known member
Ametyl said:
I have all the typical symptoms of social anxiety disorder, but I dont think it's as bad as some of the stories I have read. I mean, I dont have a panic attack or faint and stuff, I just feel uncomfortable and very self conscious in social situations and have particular problems when it comes to eating and drinking with other people. Do I need to see a doctor or is this something I can deal weith myself? I'm not quite sure what the next step I should take is. I dont want to be like this anymore its a horrible thing.

Yes, because it will get worse unless you get therapy. Mine did. Good luck. Also, unless you like what you are feeling, why wouldn't you see a doctor for help?


i am the same as you. i have read a few now and think maybe mine isnt that bad either. a year ago i was a lot worse but iv dealt with hair pulling since, and iv become a lot "better", but i do still in myself feel very phobic of certain situations more than others!
i hate crowds and avoid them, meeting new people pacifically i can shake a bit, and stutter!! but to some people it may sound minor, but in ourselves we no we have to learn to deal with it, and talk about it no matter what level its at!
anyway we are all ok! :roll: