Hi everyone I've joined this forum yesterday. I have a feeling I have social anxiety disorder. I wanted to know if anyone experiences things like these. I've graduated from university a few months ago. I went to university to computer games design. I noticed I went to a social event in the first week and I had a stomach upset. I just thought it was normal to have a stomach upset considering I'm a fresher back in 2009. It happen a few times after in other social situations, where I went to the student union with some of my housemates. I drank lemonade and I had a stomach upset. I was still thinking it was because I was in a new environment. Growing up I didn't go to many social events. I notice even family members I haven't seen in a while come over I feel nervous, like I feel shaky. I was never like that with them before. I sometimes act paranoid when I perceive people are looking at me. I'm sometimes have faulty thinking and get irritated too. I find it hard to face criticism. It is like I feel like I want to break down, become very sensitive which embarrassing. I was looking forward in university to meet a girl who liked me. We decided to go to the cinema. I was so excited to meet her. When we met it is like I couldn't say a word. My mind went blank. When we were watching the film she put her head on my shoulders and she said my arm were shaky. I enjoyed meeting her but I felt bad. I acted so shy. I felt that day she didn't like me. We met up a few times after as well. In people I act passive and people don't understand what I say. I sometimes mumble or speak quietly. I go along with what people want. Sometimes I feel angry and sad because I don't know why I'm like this nowadays. I know I'm naturally an introvert but I feel if this is social anxiety it is ruining my life. In parties I am so quiet and people ask if I'm alright. I hate being asked that. In my mind I perceive people think I'm boring because I don't drink and sometimes I feel like mummy's boy. Lol I write a lot haha. From what I've written does it sound like I have social anxiety. I think I'm shy. I did the test online I get moderately social anxiety. The girls that met me and various people say I'm a nice looking guy, some wonder why I don't have a girlfriend. I've done things I wouldn't like saying just to met a girl. I still act anxious in those situations.