Do I have social anxiety disorder?


New member
Hi everyone I've joined this forum yesterday. I have a feeling I have social anxiety disorder. I wanted to know if anyone experiences things like these. I've graduated from university a few months ago. I went to university to computer games design. I noticed I went to a social event in the first week and I had a stomach upset. I just thought it was normal to have a stomach upset considering I'm a fresher back in 2009. It happen a few times after in other social situations, where I went to the student union with some of my housemates. I drank lemonade and I had a stomach upset. I was still thinking it was because I was in a new environment. Growing up I didn't go to many social events. I notice even family members I haven't seen in a while come over I feel nervous, like I feel shaky. I was never like that with them before. I sometimes act paranoid when I perceive people are looking at me. I'm sometimes have faulty thinking and get irritated too. I find it hard to face criticism. It is like I feel like I want to break down, become very sensitive which embarrassing. I was looking forward in university to meet a girl who liked me. We decided to go to the cinema. I was so excited to meet her. When we met it is like I couldn't say a word. My mind went blank. When we were watching the film she put her head on my shoulders and she said my arm were shaky. I enjoyed meeting her but I felt bad. I acted so shy. I felt that day she didn't like me. We met up a few times after as well. In people I act passive and people don't understand what I say. I sometimes mumble or speak quietly. I go along with what people want. Sometimes I feel angry and sad because I don't know why I'm like this nowadays. I know I'm naturally an introvert but I feel if this is social anxiety it is ruining my life. In parties I am so quiet and people ask if I'm alright. I hate being asked that. In my mind I perceive people think I'm boring because I don't drink and sometimes I feel like mummy's boy. Lol I write a lot haha. From what I've written does it sound like I have social anxiety. I think I'm shy. I did the test online I get moderately social anxiety. The girls that met me and various people say I'm a nice looking guy, some wonder why I don't have a girlfriend. I've done things I wouldn't like saying just to met a girl. I still act anxious in those situations.


Active member
I am no expert on social anxiety, but I would presume that you do have it "moderately". Not everyone is always as relaxed in social situations. My earlier years in high school, I do recall getting extremely nervous at times when I would have to do a presentation in front of my class. I would never prepare enough for it and so I would always just do the presentation as if I was bored haha and it actually did the trick. As for the situation with girls, that seems so much more normal in my eyes. I would say that you are anxious / shaky when you are with a girl because you don't have enough confidence in yourself. Tell the girl how beautiful she is, let her know that you really like her.. I don't know man. I tried. Best regards.



Well-known member
Perhaps you do have some social anxiety. Taking a girl on a date is a big deal, though, so if you really liked her, that in itself can be scary! You're still doing well going out to functions and stuff, too, so keep doing that and hopefully the feeling will pass on its own.

user deleted

I think it's worth going to your doctor who can refer you to someone that's qualified to make that diagnosis. Nobody else can diagnose you (including us) and it's important to go to someone who has the ability to assess you and direct you towards the best course of treatment.

That being said, it does sound like you're suffering from social anxiety. Like Mikey says, a date is a big thing for anyone so don't be too hard on yourself about it. Try to look at the positives in your life, and focus on the things you can do rather than the things you feel you can't. When you struggle with something, try not to think "I should be able to do this!" but rather "I find it difficult to do this.. but I'm doing it anyway". Overcoming anxiety on a day-to-day basis is an achievement.

The not drinking thing.. doesn't make you boring. I understand what it's like, especially at University, in England it's almost a cultural expectation that you go out on weekends and get completely smashed. It doesn't make you boring that you're not into that, have you seen drunk people? Wow. My brother is completely tee-total and is one of the most interesting people I know. I do drink socially, and I wish I didn't, but I think I've come to rely on it when I go out in the evening as a social crutch. Avoiding alcohol is much harder, but I think you should be proud of yourself for not just doing what everyone here appears to do.


Well-known member

Perhaps a mild version of it, but I think these things are difficult to say exactly since everyone experiences things differently.

Although the things you've mentioned are also normal. Especially the date thing. I once saw an outwardly confident and good looking guy in my first year taking a girls number and his hands were shaking slightly. This guy was well spoken, had his hand up in class to ask questions all the time and friends galore.

I also get the whole upset stomach thing before major events; before my drivers test, an audition, all presentations etc.