Do I have Social Anxiety Disorder?


New member
For a while now, I've been having severe problems in public. I'm not sure what it is, and I thought it might be depression, but maybe you can shed some more light on it? Here are some situations when I feel really uncomfortable.

- Whenever we are in a group and we have to go around in a circle and say our names and things about us I feel really panicky and ill.
- Presentations in school are my worst nightmare, topped only by drama. When I have to do a presentation, my breathing rate accelerates, my hands get really sweaty and the eczema on them gets worse and I start to talk really fast, as well as blushing severely.
- Drama is also the worst thing you could ask me to do. Anything that involves improvisation is awful, I think because it involves input from me and that isn't necessarily going to be right or funny. It's also because I have to make up something in a limited period of time and I feel really pressured. The physical effects I get for this are the same as for presentations.
- Social confrontations are bad. I can't argue with people, or say for example that someone has given me the wrong change I can't go up and ask for the correct change to be given. I also have real trouble asking people for things, like in the library when I am looking for a specific book I have to ask my mum to ask for me.
- I hate going out with my friends, as I feel I don't fit in and have to act in a certain way when I am out with them that goes against my nature.
- I constantly compare myself to others, and feel inferior and ugly in comparison.

These are just some of the things and occasions where I feel severely uncomfortable, but is it social anxiety disorder?[/list]


Well-known member
I'm not sure wether you have actual social anxiety, or just some form of performance anxiety...hence the public speaking, drama etc. problems.

You don't sound to me, from what you've typed that you have social anxiety specifically, but possibly something similiar?
I could be totally wrong, just my opinon :)

Here is a list of symptoms for SA, can you relate to most of these?


New member
Heya everybody, thanks for all your replies. In answer to your question, coriander1992, I looked at the list and I think most of the symptoms listed match my own when I'm in social situations, but as you said, it could just be a performance anxiety as that's where they're worst. The symptoms I can relate with are:

Physical Symptoms
- A tendency to blush.
- A shaky voice and trembling of hands and feet.
- Sweating, mainly on the hands.
- Difficulty in breathing.Lack of air.
- Dizziness.

Cognitive Symptoms
- The idea that you will cough, stutter or get stuck.
- Fear of being negatively evaluated.To think you are being judged or criticized by others.
- Negative thoughts such as “I´m going to make myself ridiculous”or “I shall get stuck and won´t know what to say”or “I´m sure they´re not interested in my opinion”.
- A feeling on unreality, of isolation.
- The feeling that everyone is staring at one.
- The belief that you are seen as anxious, weak, mad or stupid.
- The belief that you are not able to act in a competent and adequate manner.
- Intense anxiety or fear in front of a group of people.


Well-known member
Elliephant said:
Heya everybody, thanks for all your replies. In answer to your question, coriander1992, I looked at the list and I think most of the symptoms listed match my own when I'm in social situations, but as you said, it could just be a performance anxiety as that's where they're worst. The symptoms I can relate with are:

Physical Symptoms
- A tendency to blush.
- A shaky voice and trembling of hands and feet.
- Sweating, mainly on the hands.
- Difficulty in breathing.Lack of air.
- Dizziness.

Cognitive Symptoms
- The idea that you will cough, stutter or get stuck.
- Fear of being negatively evaluated.To think you are being judged or criticized by others.
- Negative thoughts such as “I´m going to make myself ridiculous”or “I shall get stuck and won´t know what to say”or “I´m sure they´re not interested in my opinion”.
- A feeling on unreality, of isolation.
- The feeling that everyone is staring at one.
- The belief that you are seen as anxious, weak, mad or stupid.
- The belief that you are not able to act in a competent and adequate manner.
- Intense anxiety or fear in front of a group of people.

Ahh ok, perhaps you do have social anxiety then.
The only thing i'd suggest is just to do more research into the symptoms of it, and just see how you relate to most of them.

Good luck :)


Well-known member
I don't suffer from many physical symptoms, only the first two with any frequency. However, I suffer from all the cognitive symptoms, therefore I am adamant I have SA or something very similar.