do i have SA?


Active member
when i'm in class i think everyones looking at me but i know that they really arent. if someone talks to me in class i dont know what to say msot of teh time..and sumtimes if i do want to say sumthing i dont cause i think i will sound stupid infront of everyone. if sumone jokes around with me then i get really nervous. sometimes i start sweating,shaking, i get tense or i have a hard time breathing..if we have to go up infront of the class introduce ourselves then i get nervous (like the things i said before) and then when its my turn to talk my voice trembles and i sound doesnt happen everytime i get up infront of the class just when i'm talking about myself, if i dont know the ppl in the class, or if i wrote sumthing and have to read it. i get nervous when im writing sumthing in class like a letter to my friend..i think the person next to me and behind me are i usually cant write much...right now as im typing this im kinda nervous cause i think my mom/brother is looking at i change the page whenever they pass by... when i walk into school i think everyones watching me and talkinga bout me... when i went to the 8th grade dance a while ago i was the only person not dancing..besides one of my guy friends tried to make me dance but i just couldnt i was too was one of the worse nights of my life...if i try to introduce myself to sumone it can only be sumone who is alone and it cant be with sumone who looks pretty or popular...if sumone talks to me i usually dont know what to say..cause i cant think of anything to say about the subject... it's hard for me to think of things to say...i cant eat infront of ppl i dont know..or r new friends...if i go to one of my friedns parties even if im friends with everyone i get nervous and i feel left out...if i know the answer to sumthing in class and i know im right when everyone else is getting the answer wrong i cant brign myself to raise my hand..i keep thinking about it but i never do it....i get more nervous in sum classes than others..i think it's because of the ppl around me...i cant talk on the telephone..well i can but usually i dont sa much..and i get nervous and just try to end the conversation... when im at a restaurant and im ordering food i get really nervous and usually they dont hear so i have to keep saying it...i dont talk that loud so ppl never hear me then they say what? and i get nervous..if i go to the bathroom i spend a lot of time in the stall waiting for ppl to leave so im alone..or so theres only a few ppl left...i know when im in class and i think ppl are looking at me or sumthing that they really arent but i still think they are...i cant ask questions in class im too embarrased..i always think i'm going to sound weird when i for example in class if the teacher is taking role and we have to say here then i get really nervous and mouth feels dry and usually when i say here it sounds weird then i get embarassed about it...when the teacher is about to call on sumone 2 answer a question and i know i dont know the answer or even if i do i start to breathe heavily, i get anxious, shake..etc.. then if the teacher calls on me its like i suddenly stop like i dont feel anything..then i either say i dont know or what i thin ksi the answer..if im wrong then i feel always nevous when my parents introduce me to an adult...but sumtimes im not shy at all if i reading sumthing i wrote infront of the class, do a presentation ect...thats all i can think of so yea..what do u think?


Well-known member
I'm not much good at giving labels to anyone's set of issues, not even my own. What I would say is that you are going to find a lot of people on this site who can relate to a lot if not all of the things you experience.

Welcome to the site.