do i have OCD?


New member
I understand much about OCD and know that I have many of the major symptoms. I used to think it was certain that I had OCD, but I still have my doubts...can anyone help me figure out before I waste my time getting tested for it?

Some of my signs include:

Repetitive hand washing [I feel the need to wash them if they 'feel dirty to me'].

Nighttime/morning rituals I strictly follow.

When taking notes or tests in school, I have to erase what I wrote over and over again if my writing is crooked or sloppy.

The things on my dresser is set up exactly as I want it and when they are messed up, I have to immediately fix them to perfection.

I often ask my parents to feel my head to check for a fever [also rubbing and poking my stomach when it hurts to see if I gag, meaning I would throw up].

I have aniexty issues over everything. For example, I'm in constant fear of harming myself or people I really care about, even though I know I could never bring myself to actually doing them.

Whenever I feel that germs have gotten into my mouth, I immediately gather all the saliva in my mouth and repetitively spit it out, until I feel no longer contaminated.

I have a terrible feeling of dread if something is not done correctly, or I am pulled away from a task, without completing it. It's my biggest fear that because that happened, something bad will happen, like someone close to me will die, or I will throw up [one of my biggest fears].

When I want something very bad, I repeatedly pray silently to myself, to ensure that I will get it. Or if I'm worried about something bad happening, I keep asking God for it to not happen [this problem distracts me in school a lot].

I save old notes and hall passes, not being able to let myself throw them away.

[This last one is extremely embarassing and maybe unrelated to this disorder, but I'd like another opinion on it] :

I'm almost 100% sure that I am straight, because I'm basically boy-crazy and just love talking about them with my friends, as most teen girls do. But I'm not too experienced when it comes to guys. I have only had one true boyfriend before and only been kissed once in my life. I haven't had a lot of physical comfort from a guy, such as holding onto/cuddling, but I long for it. Every once in awhile though, I have some strange sexual feelings towards the same sex. I've never acted on any of them or even come close, though. Is this because I seek comfort from males and do not get it? Are this feelings normal? Is there a possibility that I'm bisexual?

Also, another thing is that I have this obsession with looking at other girl's body parts and comparing them to myself. This makes me feel almost that I'm not good enough, because I don't look like that a sign that I'm a lesbian, or just insecure? I don't get these feelings all the time, but sometimes I worry that I'm gay, even though I don't want to be. One thing will never change, though...I LOVE guys and cannot get enough of them!

Please help with these questions, I would really appreciate it!
Thanks. :D
yes u do have OCD am sorry to tell you not that bad tho as for the bottom part in time you will find out when it comes to it but dont worry about it as for the ocd get some Therapy it will do all the good for you trust me did for me well only for a year no i have it agen ah well
take care

My Regards