do i have ocd?


New member
i'm 22 years old, and have never thought i had OCD, especially since i knew someone who had it a couple years ago, and i didnt seem similar to him. But now that i think about it, and also observing my grandma, i'm beginning to think i may have it. my grandma repeatedly reminds to me and my family about washing our hands, keeping stuff clean, etc. i think she only visited her daughter a few times over 20 years because she thought her daughter's house was too filthy, even though everyone else thinks its just fine. But i think i may have a different form of OCD

judging from websites that describe OCD, i don't seem to have 'compulsive' behaviors, but i do seem to have a few 'obsessive' behaviors. I would say i fit the following:
Fear of contamination by germs.
Fear of making a mistake.
Fear of being embarrassed or behaving in a socially unacceptable manner.
Excessive doubt and the need for constant reassurance.
Checking and rechecking for mistakes (such as when balancing a checkbook)
The fear of acting out a violent thought (such as stabbing or shooting someone)
Unfounded fears that one has failed to do some routine task (such as paying the mortgage or signing a check)

the last one seems to be the one that strikes me the most. Most people fear making mistakes or being embarrased, but not have excessive doubt. For instance, the other day when i asked my mom if it was ok to do something and she said it was ok, i suspected that she didnt really mean that and was only saying so to satisfy me. Thus, over the next few days, i kept asking her, doubting myself and making sure she realy meant what she said. Also, i think some people have complained or look annoyed when they think i ask repetitive questions, because i want to make extra sure i get it correct.
Another reason i think i fit the last one is because sometimes i get repetitive thoughts in my mind that i want to go away but can't. For instance, i worry alot about my future career in engineering. I worry a few times a day if i was taking the right class, if i'm doing the right major, etc. Thus, i usually visit other websites and message boards to get advice as to whether i'm doing the right thing or not. For a period of a few months, i used to visit this one website and spend around 3-5 hours a DAY just browsing the forum, looking for any interesting threads/topics. oftentimes, i would revisit the same threads, just making sure i remember correctly what i read
Also, alot of times i get repetitive thoughts about how i behaved socially, playing videos in my head repeatedly. I'll replay in my head multiple times if someone says something strange to me, or i found something someone said to be funny, etc. I can't think of any specific examples off the top of my head other than unwanted thoughts about girls i liked but want to forget about. for example, i'll keep getting repeated thoughts, analyzing repeatedly about what a girl said to me.

what do you guys think?


I thought this was more or less normal.. Everyone is crazy in some way. I wouldn't worry too much about labels.


Well-known member
I have a few similar behaviours. Such as fear of making a mistake, doubt and need for constant reassurance, checking and rechecking for mistakes and repetitive thoughts. I worry a lot about doing things right. I also analyse things I say (rather than others) in social situations and how other people might be analysing them. I sometimes imagine all this negative stuff that they must be thinking, and it's not true.

I found it interesting what you said about your mum, as I'm a bit like that with my boyfriend. I ask him things, then have to keep asking to be reassured, to make sure the answer is still the same. I feel embarrassed often about the questions I have to ask, as they are also repetitive and completely irrelevant or illogical. I just explain to him it must be a bit of OCD and he's tolerates them well. I found if I explain to some people why I'm asking they are more understanding. Although only the people I am really close to. They're mostly the people I have this problem with anyway.

By the way I haven't been officially diagnosed with OCD, but all the stuff I've read seems to suggest that. Plus it seems a bit of it runs in the family. I think it's normal to have these fears and doubts, maybe it's just to the extent that you have them. Do they take up all your day thinking about them? Mine can.
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The last thing you mentioned, fear of hurting others..that sounds like Pure O...just the obsession part of OCD, but you may have compulsions, like avoidance, for example...that is a compulsion. Maybe see a therapist just to make sure. It couldnt hurt...
and OCD is all about doubt, some people call it the Doubting Disease.