Do I have OCD?



Do you think I may have a mild form of OCD? Here are my symptoms:

1. I always I have a song going through my head, the same one for about 15 minutes and then a thought will change it. The only time there is not one stuck in my head is when I am talking to someone or very, very focused.

2. I am EXTREMELY organized, if things are not perfectly in their place and clean, I am very anxious and feel the need to put them in their place.

3. When I organize things, the have to be flat and straight, I will actualy stand there and straighten them past the point that they are straight.

4. Say I had cards - 3 purple, 5 green, 2 red, 3 blue. I would not put a blue next to a blue or put a red, a blue and then a red right away again, don't know why, I just do. I also would rather put something diagonal rather than beside each other.

5. I don't like using numbers like 5,10, 20, etc. I would normally use numbers like, 3, 7, 13 - don't like 12 though.

6. I ride horses, and I made sure everything in the barn and arena is perfectly organized and put away. In the horse trailer tack room (where I put saddles, brushes, etc.) I will spend up to and hour cleaning and organizing... I don't necessarily find organizing or cleaning fun, but I LOVE the end effect. I can't think when things are messy because cleaning them is all I can think about. My desk at school is VERY organized and things have to be lined up just right, water bottle turned the right way etc.

7. I constantly doubt if I did something like zip a backpack or lock a door, so I will check and re-check.

8. I feel often that if I don't go back and do something or get something that something bad will happen or that is I don't read or ask something I will never get to again.

9. I am always worrying and am scared something will happen to my family, pets or myself. I am worry ALL the time that I will get sick, if I get a headache I am terrified I have a brain bleed or tumor.

10. I collest useless things like candy wrappers and soda cans. I don't throw anything away for fear of needing it again. I am a pack-rat, but I could never be a hoarder because hoarders are too un-organized and I could never live like that.

11. Right now I am thinking, ok, I can't end on 11 so I will try to get to 15 symptoms.

12. I am obsessed throughout the day that everything on me looks perfect and straight.

13. I am very much a perfectionist and I re-do things if they look even a little in-perfect. This effect a lot of school work and when I am riding my horse I get very frustrated if I can't do it right.

14. If I do something a certain amount of times, the other part has to be even, like chewing my food, although I am not very bad with that.

15. Last but not least, I am very stressed, anxious and tense.

So what do you think?? These are not just symptoms I get once a week, it is all the time.