do i have HH?



I have suffered since young with sweaty hands and feet. Only recently I started looking into it and realised it was a condition and that I may have HH. I am confused though- do most HH sufferers suffer with constant sweaty areas or do they have times of dryness?

I do have periods when my hands & feet are dry but do break out regularly with excessive sweating. It usually comes on when I think of it, or certain materials against my hands/feet or excitement/anxiety. The sweating gets so bad that my palms are literally covered in water. My feet sweat so badly that if i am in flip-flops, I have to stop walking because i cant grip them.
It comes out more now when in situations where people have to touch my hands etc, then i break out in a huge sweat because i work myself up so much about it.
When I go to meetings and know I have to shake hands, I get so worried about my hands that they get so bad. Then once I leave- bone dry.

This is why I am wondering, do HH sufferers suffer constantly with excessive sweating or can there just be certain triggers?
