Do i have have agraphobia


this has been a problem with me since i was 11 years old, i used to take cannabis all the time when i was 11 til i was 15, i used to have panic attacks nearly once every week, i had my own psychologist at the hospital and school, i never ever went to school, i wasnt a bad kid i just genuily didint like people around me or lookin at me i cant mix with people, i twagged school on my own everyday, now im 18 and left school legally at 16 i never go out never open my cuirtans, i used to sometimes go out to town but never on my own, last time i went out on my own i ended up nuttin a shop manager and breakin his nose, i won a day out in court and i aslo won a tag 4 my ankle so i cant go out after 8, wich never bothers me coz i never go out anyway, im currently on zispin soltab/mirtazapine for depression, i believe i have this phobia but my doctor doesnt seem to care, and doesnt want to give me anythink i might need, he just gives me a pescription for the soltabs and sends me on my way, i think he thinks im a druggy bastard wich im not no more for 3 years now, i always feel people are looking at me, and sometmes if im in a shop wich is very very rare, i just get the sudden feelin to get out asap, ive been on a bus and i cant hack it, i cant even explain how i feel when i get this feelin, it feels like my stomach is burning, i start sweating, my heart beat speeds up i would literally stop the bus myself if i had to, i have to get off quick, as i said its already got me in trouble, when a man was in my face and invaded my space, and i headbutted him wich is not me at all im never violant, but im always full of rage and have the feelin that people are out to get me its getting worse and worse and now i dont go nowere at all i just stay in my bedroom and go on my computer, to be honest i dont have a life because of this, my girlfriend makes out that she understands but i think nobody can understand me, im like an outkast, im socialy isolated, only sombody with the same symptoms as me could understand as its very hard for me to explain the feelings


this is an agraphobia forum for agraphobics with alot of daytime on there hands like me, and nobody has replied, plzz help me i dont no what to do who to go to ??????????


Well-known member
Hey :)
I don't know the exact symptoms for agraphobia, so can't really comment on that...but I would say it sounds like you have extreme phobia/anxiety issues atleast.

First things first, you need a new doctor! This guy sounds like a twat. You need one who actually wants to help you, is it possible for you to change to a new one?

If I were you, i'd do a lot of research into agraphobia, to find out what the usual medicines, therapies etc. that are prescribed for it are. It's a good idea if you know yourself exactly what's wrong with you and how to make it better, because most doctor's don't know crap about social phobia/anxiety or agraphobia.
You can then make your suggestions to them and see wether they are willing to give you the correct help.
Make sure you know that you definately have it too, i.e. read lots of different symptom lists for agraphobia and see how many of them you can relate too. You'll find loads stuff on the net if you look for it, so research it as much as you can - sounds like you have plenty of time on your hands to do so!

It's helpful if you can begin to think about what may have caused you to develop agraphobia, or whatever you have, too. It won't cure you, and you might never know for sure, but it might help you understand yourself a bit more.

Lastly, don't expect miracle cures, because they really don't exist. Sure, drugs and medicines will make you feel better for a while, but what happens when you come off them?
These types of mental illnesses take a lot of time, patience and hard work to overcome, but I beleive you can do it if you really want to. Most people find that a combination of therapy and the right meds helps them a lot.

I hope that's helped you a bit, good luck! :)