Do I have APD?


New member
Hey there folks.

Recently my search for answers brought me here. I have been avoiding social come-togethers most of my life. But not in a extreme form, like being at my house 24/7. Not 24/7, but just most. Recently it's only getting more and more. A few months ago I at least attended come-togethers with my friends. Yes, I do have friends. They ask me every weekend to come over. And like I said, untill a few months ago I did this every weekend. But every time gets harder to stay. First of all, I never take the initiative to call or text them to get together. I think it's due to my fear of rejection. Also, I have incredibly hard times hanging out with just ONE other human. At social settings with a couple of friends, I can be talkactive and social at a certain point. But when the conversation is one-to-one, I block. I get nervous and want to get out of the situation as fast as possible. I have this with friends, teachers, co-workers and even my sisters and parents. On the dinner table I can talk to my sister (I have two, 1 older 1 younger), show interest and make jokes. Untill I get alone with her. It's really killing me, such situations. That's on of the fears for inviding friends, when only one is able to come and I have to spend my whole evening with him. And that's near to a hell. Even more painful for me, is when my parents see me with this one friend. To know that they see me being socially awkward, it will make me so shamefull.

It's just a part of my story, I was just curious if this could be APD. Since the anxiety's aren't huge like I see with some other humans here.


Well-known member
I have APF (Avoidant Personality Disorder). It could be what you have, it sounds like it from what I have read.

Do you know what may have cuased it?


New member
No i wasnt bullied at all at school and i had good parents. At elementary school i was along the populair group. I kind of bullied other people. Not that i was the starter, but i was along the cool kids side. If i think back i regret that. But this kept me cleared from being bullied i guess. In the last grade of elementary, it kind of went wrong. Like in cool-kids-groups, there were fights between members. I wasnt bullied the **** out of me, but i got my fair share. Late night in bed i would imagine, with help of action figures, that i was beating the **** out of my friends. Next day at school i acted normal and was afraid of being judged. By now, i still regard them as 'my friends', but i barely ever see them again. When i see them, i only say hi. And when my parents asks about them, how their life is, i get nervous as **** and am ashamed i dont know, since i never talk to them no more.