Do certain people trigger your SA?


Active member


I have just signed up and i am pretty sure that i have sa. Sometimestimes at work i get uncomfortable around people that i might percieve to be outgoing, loud, well liked etc.. I find i am more comfortable around people more like me (quiet, shy, etc.)

As of now though, i have a hard time going places cause i feel so paranoid, that i am being watched, and i feel nervous. Anyhow, hopefully things will get better.


Well-known member
People I don't know tend to trigger my anxiety eek :( who were the people who triggered your sa on the site? Im sure they didn't do it on purpose..


Active member
for me im not queit sure of the catagory but people i have met before I really dont wont to see them again if i havent seen them for a while but its only certain people!
I hate seeing people I know when I am in a shop or anywhere really.
I get so afraid of seeing old friends my mum invited a old friend of mine over when i was home for a while she only told me just before she arived and I almost had a panic attack totaly freaked out. I would hate to go back and work somewhere i have worked before aswell
dont suppose anyone knows why im like this even i cant understand it!


Well-known member
Girls, Women in general..intimidate me and cause my SA to kick in especially domineering women.. or social situation where people are pushy sales people sometimes. God even telemarketers freak me out sometimes. A lot of the time it's one really out going person that takes control of everything that really does me in. Oh what I would give to be the one running the show for once.. :(