Do anyone make excuses to avoid situation with stimulate SA?


I dont have SA but i was wondering if anyone with SA makes excuses to avoid difficult situation , and if so what are they ?


Well-known member
I tend to avoid stuff a lot. Unless whatever it was is absolutely mandatory, I'll either skip it (family get together, work dinner/party etc) or put it off till next week (church, appointments, etc) and so I generally never do those either. Sometimes someone wants me to go and I really don't have any way to get out and end up going (like my aunts wedding... which was absolutely horrible for me since we were LATE and I didn't wanna go in the first place... one of the worst days of my life. I felt bad though cause I was obviously NOT enjoying the occasion and most people could tell, I felt so miserable)

I really hate the work dinners cause then you have EVERYONE asking where you were or what you were doing or whatever. And yes I just start making up whatever reason I can think of for why I didn't show up.


Well-known member
Is there any reason why you need to know this considering you don't
have SA?

I think most people with SA make excuses to avoid difficult situations... that is why it's called "Social Anxiety". If we were happy then we wouldn't have the urge to run away or lie our way out of things :wink:


the reason why i ask is because my husband is extremely shy and he is always making excuses not do certain things( attend family gatherings , go to parties , do the shopping , make phonecalls ) and i am wondering is there a little bit more to it. Does that answer your question ?


Well-known member
I'm avoidant. I make excuses not to do things all the time. Sometimes my excuses can be really stupid, too.


New member
Just to you mean 1) He doesn't know why he doesn't want to do these things and makes something up..because he himself is confused or 2) That he does know and is using his 'shyness' as an excuse..when he probably could do em?

I can not use the phone at all nor can I go to parties of any sort...and it is because of my social excuses needed.

AND..I loath shopping with my sister,although I can, so I will use my phobia in that situation as an excuse.

But most of what I've seen with social phobs is that we do not like disappointing our loved ones and really hate having to admit our limitations unless we really can't do something.

Hope it helps