Do any of you work at home?


Well-known member
As a SP, I'm sure you all know, I can't have a regular job, so I have no job. But, I was wondering if anyone knew of any legitimate work at home oppurtunity's they could share. I tried the survey's thing, no good. And I would rather not have to send money to "assemble things", no telemarketing either (it goes w/out saying)
I would appreciate any help and advice from one S.P. to another: Thanks.


Hi Mary:

I've researched the opportunity to work at home and have found that 99% of all these offers are scams. The main ones include envelope stuffing, data entry, online surveys, etc. However I have managed to find one that is supposedly true to its word. The site is Here's how it works: You order a start up kit which includes a video of how to put little cross necklaces together, and the material to make 25 of them. It is supposed to take about 5-10 minutes to put each one together once you get good. For each one that you make and send back to the company, provided that it passes inspection, you get $1.25 per cross. The guy claims that if you can put together 400 crosses per week (I've heard its impossible to do this many), you can earn 500$ per week. But you can make however many you long as you send them in as bundles of 50. I've heard from a few places that it is hard to pass inspection, but I suppose if you can get really good at this you can earn some money. If not though, you're always aloud to sell the crosses on ebay or at flea markets. You can get 10$ per cross at such events.

I am in no way affiliated with the company or trying to sell anything. I ordered my startup kit a few days ago and am waiting for it to come in the mail. Ill letcha know how it goes!

Getting a job has been one of my biggest depressions lately. I want to find some way to work at home for the summer...although i know I should be getting out in the world to try to conquer my SA. Even if i didn't have SA though, I would prefer to work alone because I feel that is when I am most productive.

I hope this helped, and I hope all goes well with you! Take Care.


Ah I just reread your post and I see that you don't want to assemble things! Maybe you'll change your mind though if all goes well with me. The only other work at home opportunity I can think of is to buy cheap items and sell them on ebay. I've heard of some people buying little craft things (like little penguin statues, or glass animals, etc.) at the dollar store for a buck, and selling them on ebay for 40 bucks! People collect certain things like this and it may be worth a shot!

Take Care


Well-known member
I would like to work too to be at least helpful and independent but isn't selling those things not guaranteed? like if others don't buy it then you don't get anything and can lose money instead, and many others might not want to get crosses so you could spend and make a lot and it's useless? And is it that easy to use cheaper stuff and sell it on ebay? and does it have to be new? do you need a receipt of how much it costed you? what else do you have to do other than give it to them and writing out a form? Thx, sorry for all questions.


Well-known member
Free Lance web-desing or graphic art is one way of working form home and you dont have to worry about lunch breaks or punctuality issues as long as you get the work done for the agency! before the due date.
Free lance photography is also another option, but your not gauranteed a set wage! although individual projects can pay alot


Well-known member
I do web design you can make a lot of money. research it figure it out read books find which programs to use it pays off in the end. Did for me.


Well-known member
Sorry, but I don’t have any ideas for home-based work. I did like what Anonymous said about ebay, though. I guess I’m directing my comment to someone who is able to get out of the house even though you have SA or SP. Delivering mail for the post office is a lonely job that PAYS. Today is Wednesday, and I know a delivery person who is making 3 times her hourly wage and it’s not even the end of her pay period. She’ll easily bring home a check for over $2,000.00 take-home. As long as you have some common sense, you can deliver mail.
2QuietForThem said:
Sorry, but I don’t have any ideas for home-based work. I did like what Anonymous said about ebay, though. I guess I’m directing my comment to someone who is able to get out of the house even though you have SA or SP. Delivering mail for the post office is a lonely job that PAYS. Today is Wednesday, and I know a delivery person who is making 3 times her hourly wage and it’s not even the end of her pay period. She’ll easily bring home a check for over $2,000.00 take-home. As long as you have some common sense, you can deliver mail.

I have heard through the grapevine that being a mailman is a very difficult job. Its not easy money by any means. They have a high turnover rate(people quit often). Imagine having to concentrate very hard all day on who's mail is up next and often having to get out and drop off boxes at there doorsteps. Just cause your not talking to people all day doesnt make it easy, there is a lot of room for error and if you mess up your in trouble.


Well-known member

I thought I would add my 2 pence worth :D

Because I couldn't get a job, I started looking around for ways to earn even just a little bit online. I do paid emails and have joined a surf site which gives me a little a month.

But I also went to the doctor and whilst Im getting treatment which starts soon for my SP, he wrote me a medical ceritifcate out. I was advised to claim incapacity benefit and income support by the local DSS office. I am sending them off tomorow.

That is another option if you cant get out to work at the moment.


Well-known member
Well in my thoughts there are many types of jobs that can be done at home. however income may be not as good as a normal job but at least It is better than nothing.

Like a friend said you may work in webdesign or may programming like I do or may data entry or translation or graphics generaly.
All of these expertise can be gained from self study

The other type is being affiliate or working in promoting products or sites but I think it is not ideal for us or at least for me.


Well-known member
Free Lance web-desing or graphic art is one way of working form home

Yes you could be a free-lancer or like me who works as a part-time graphic designer in a company. I do most of my work from home at my computer although I sometimes go to the office to cooperate with my co-workers.

It works great for me.. :lol:

(I know I've already told you this before Mary, but I wanted to repeat it if others might find it interesting :wink: )


Well-known member
Yes, i do know how you can make a living online from home
and i may be a party breaker here but for your sake i wont
tell you how.

i mean i dont think its a good idea.

I made money on the internet and its one of the reason it took
much more time for me to move on in the real world.
So i think for your sake (and my mind) i will keep to myself.

I think its important you go and do something in the real world.

You will learn alot about yourself and others.
Its one of the major keys to your freedom...being out there.

Im not judging you - you can ask other about it.
But understand i dont want to be a part of it as i wish
i didnt have someone introduced me to it a few years ago
for the time i waited to move on.

no biggie i hope



Well-known member
Well it all depends on what area of work your interested in, now ive worked in Hospitality as a waiter and a cook, ive also worked in a clothing store while studying so at the moment im sick of working around people and would love to work alone for once as a free-lance designer where i can just go to the pub in my own time, or meet people for a coffee or go to a concert. I think it depends on what career appeals to an individual, also if you want to tackle SP head-on then get yourself a job in hospitality because socialising is unavoidable! and its like working in a big brother house where everyone talks about everyone else and its a competition of egos, thats why now that im used to that i want out.


jinxed said:
post deleted

Hello Jinxed. No need to apologize...questions are the best way to find out info! I just received my Disciple's Cross starter kit in the mail today. I watched the video on how to make them and I have a pretty good idea on how it works. It is pretty hard as of now to make a perfect cross...but he stresses how easy it becomes over time. When I get a little better at them I'm going to aim for about 200 crosses per week.

To answer your first question...the company guarantees to buy back each cross that passes inspection for $1.25 per cross(once you get good at them, it's supposedly easy to make a cross that passes inspection with flying colors), plus an extra dollar per cross to cover the cost of materials.
So once you get good at making them, there should be no need to worry about losing any money because you'll at LEAST be able to sell them back to the company for a total of $ 2.25 (after the extra dollar per cross for materials) per cross. If you'd rather make a lot more profit though you can sell them at craft fairs or bible shops, or even on ebay for up to about 10 bucks per cross. They look very nice when completed and come with a nice little tag with a description of what the cross means, and a bible verse. It looks really professional. You can sell back to the company up to 400 crosses per week ($500 profit) although I've heard that making this many in a week is very difficult. I can understand why, but my goal is to get really good at making them so I can make as many as I can per week. The bottom line is this: In the summer I usually bust my balls doing landscaping 5 days a week for about 300 bucks per week. Even if i only made $250 per week making crosses, I'd be much happier. I love being at home, and aside from my SA, I really don't like working with people. I think it's because I just don't like many people.

To answer your question about buying and selling on ebay...I've personally never done it, but I've read a lot about it and there are certain items that people like to collect that would sell for profit on ebay. The key is to find out what people collect and head out to the dollar store if you are able to and hunt for some collectibles. I don't recommend this personally because it's not a steady source of income.

Again...I have no affiliation with the Disciple's Cross company (other than making the crosses) and I gain nothing from getting anyone to sign up. In fact, I'm still skeptical of the company because I just received it today and haven't had a chance to send anything in yet. So I'll update everyone on this work at home opportunity when I find out what's good!


scyth said:
I do web design you can make a lot of money. research it figure it out read books find which programs to use it pays off in the end. Did for me.

Hey scyth can you recommend some books for me? I'd be interested in learning web design. I know a fair amount about computers and would be wiling to learn web design. A couple questions...

Do you work from home? Or do you design in an office?
How can you land a job like this without a degree?


Well-known member
I made money on the internet and its one of the reason it took
much more time for me to move on in the real world.
I think its important you go and do something in the real world.
You will learn alot about yourself and others.
Its one of the major keys to your freedom...being out there.

Its not always as easy as it sounds. I was working in the real world for 3 years and 3 months and it just made my social phobia worse.

Now I am at home, I feel with the right treatment I might be able to feel better in order to get a proper job.


Well-known member
youre right.

To each his/her own way to "recovery"(altough i prefer the word freedom).

True, i remember for me as well that in the worst period if i wouldve
been too much in public all the time it wouldnt have helped and wouldve
been quite f'd up.

I didnt make my point precise enough.

What i meant is that i personally completely sealed myself
in the house almost 24/7 because i could and because the money
started rolling in and i didnt even need to go get a job or anything
to get things i wanted.

Now... all im saying is that it can start a vicious cycle that might
or might not lead someone into an even more isolated life.
But, of course, if you plan(and do it!) along to the way, when
the time is right and you are doing better - to get a job and stuff
when you are capable, then yes im with you and its possible.

I just feel that if you are doing too good $$ online, and have sa -
it can do as it did for me inthe past. And it just doesnt feel right
for me to tell someone about something that kept me isolated so much.
I know my reasoning is not perfect here. im not perfect what can i say...

P.S. Of course, just being in public often doesnt remove the SA.
Believe me i know.
There are ways to tackle the problem tho.



Hi jinxed...The hardest part so far is ewrapping the wire around the nails. You can order the kit from Good luck!


Well-known member
Hello Olivier

I understand what you are saying.

When I stopped working, I didnt stay in the house 24/7, I have to go out at times, like shopping with my parents or getting the bus etc, so I jsut go out a bit (entering public in small doses lol) but even these small doses are too much and sometimes I get the most fearful feelings.

So I didnt overcome it in public all the time, and I didnt overcome it in small doses outside, But Im sure when my therapy starts, I will start to feel better and become more free :)


Well-known member
To Iron maiden Rockess: Can you tell us which search site you joined that made you money? The one's I have seen don't look too good, they give you points which are hard to earn and other such things...
To change the subject a little bit, one thing I do to save a little money is look for freebie site's and get free samples. NO, you won't get rich but every little bit helps!
Has anyone heard anything about (I think that's the name)
where you read books and then do like a review and they are supposed to pay for that. Does anyone know if it is legitimate?
About selling stuff on the internet, I am going to try to re-sell things I find at garage sales. You can find incredible bargains that could be worth something to someone else.
To everyone who has posted a suggestion: Thank you!