dizziness and anxiety


this is my first "thread" so i hope it works!

does anyone get really bad dizziness(vertigo) related to anxiety disorders??
if so how do you cope with it??


New member
Yes -.- i seem to get alot of dizziness and white outs. It usually happens when i'm out in public, which means i make myself look more of a prat XD. When i do get it though i just go and sit down or lean against a wall for a while :)


Well-known member
I feel very light headed/dizzy sometimes when i'm around people and very uncomfortable, either because i fail to connect adequately or feel rejected by them. I suppose when it happens i just try to struggle through it, and make excuses like i'm tired, if people ask. It used to be much worse though. I'd always be tired and i'd get dizzy in any crowded places like the supermarket. But then i changed my sleeping routines/diet/started going to the gym regularly and then that completely disappeared. Explore all possibilities, it might not be just related to your anxiety...


Well-known member
Yeah I used to get that a lot when younger; dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling like I was on a boat or something when I was walking and could fall over. I used to call all that crap 'Mr.Soft', which stemmed from this old advert:

YouTube - mr soft, soft mint advert, 1980s

Just thought I'd throw that in there as any older folk from the UK may remember it and it'll be a mini nostalgia trip for 'em. ^_^

Was definitely anxiety related for me, and I'd guess it will be for you, as when my anxiety levels lessened it all cleared up. Just try not to be scared of it as it'll only intensify the feelings.


Well-known member
Haha yeah. It just seemed to fit really well how I felt back then in my late teens when my anxiety was at its worst. Thus I've always called that feeling Mr.Soft since. :D

I know it's not nice at all though. When I had it badly I never had the internet at the time, and didn't think it was possible to get symptoms like that from anxiety, seeing as I didn't even know hardly anything about anxiety either then. I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac so convinced myself I had brain damage or something. >_<

I still get it occasionally at night for some reason if I've not had enough sleep or a stressful day. It doesn't really bother me now though as I know it passes soon enough. :)


I have recently developed a situation where I can only sit on the backseat of a bus if I sit anywhere else I panic when it stops i start sweating and shaking until it moves off. I can't do the treatment of staying in the sitaution until my panic subsides because Im fine when the bus moves so my anxiety goes up and down rather than going up and up and eventually subsiding so does anyone have any advice. Also i get the same feeling if anyone stands behind me at my computer at work or sits with me to train me.


Well-known member
I feel very light headed/dizzy sometimes when i'm around people and very uncomfortable, either because i fail to connect adequately or feel rejected by them. I suppose when it happens i just try to struggle through it, and make excuses like i'm tired, if people ask. It used to be much worse though. I'd always be tired and i'd get dizzy in any crowded places like the supermarket. But then i changed my sleeping routines/diet/started going to the gym regularly and then that completely disappeared. Explore all possibilities, it might not be just related to your anxiety...

I totally agree with you...it's really a good and flexible job..
Thank you for sharing your information.