Ditropan + Creatine


New member
Hey, new guy here.. Yesterday, my doctor put me on Ditropan (oxybutnin hydrochloride) for hh.. anyways, I'm also on creatine and I forgot to ask if there was a problem mixing the two.. I havent taken any creatine yesterday since i started, or today.. Anyone have any experience with this?


Well-known member
I take whey protein and use ditropan. I think I've used them at the same time and been fine.


Well-known member
Wouldn't have thought there would be any problems as creatine occurs naturally in our bodies anyway, and meat especially is a natural source of creatine (for example.)

I asked my GP about taking creatine with my medication, and there were no issues (I'm on Olanzapine, and occasionally Diazepam and Propanolol.)

Having said that I would double check with your GP just incase.