Distressed, anxious, lacks true understanding of oneself.


New member
Hey, I am a 18 year old guy and for the last few years I have become extremely distressed and anxious about my appearance. I gaze at myself in the mirror on a daily basis, wondering how anyone could be born so ugly. I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb, that people are staring at my ugliness from every angle. Some people close to me say that I am not ugly but I feel that they are only saying this not to make me feel bad. I stare at the mirror for minutes on end in a kind of trance which I hope will end with me coming to assurance that I am not ugly. But that never happens of course. To get though daily life I continuously say to myself “I am not ugly, I am not ugly”, just to try and make the best out of my life. But by saying this I think it shows I am in a state of denial, it shows that I am actually ugly but I am trying to sweep the fact under the carpet. Is this true? , am I ugly or am I actually decent looking? Please assist me, I am trying to finally gain a true and honest understanding of myself. True Understanding of my physical appearance is something I have never had in my life and finding the truth, whether it be good or bad, is central to me. Thanks.




Well-known member
I think you're very cute. Too bad I'm old and married! (lol)

Why do you think you're ugly, I just don't see it.


Well-known member
No, hon, you aren't ugly :D . I can't understand why you would think so. But I guess that's part of being social phobic or having poor self-esteem. I always think I'm ugly, too, even tho people say I "have a pretty face". Does that mean the rest looks like shit 8O ? Anyway, you aren't ugly, so relax, don't worry about it.
Are you kidding me? You're definatley not ugly. I was expecting to see some deformed Shrek lookalike or something, but you look normal. You don't have anything to worry about, dude. You're fine.


New member
You are not ugly by any means! But, it won't matter if a million people tell you are aren't ugly, you won't believe them. I understand how you feel this way, but I don't know what to do about it.