Disappointment: some common sense advice


Well-known member
I chanced upon this earlier today in someone's blog, and it cheered me up a bit so I wanted to share it:


When things don't turn out the way we hoped, it's natural to feel sad about it, but disappointment can play havoc with our confidence and motivation if we aren't vigilant. It cannot be said often enough that failure is a vital part of life - not only do we learn from our mistakes, but we can only prepare ourselves to tackle our future disappointments by accepting those outcomes we would prefer not want [sic] to face in the present.

Life is up and down for all of us; if we focus on the downs, we risk becoming ensnared in depression, and once we fall into the hole it can be difficult to escape. Like a child learning to walk, we should pick ourselves up and try again... and again... and again. Never let disappointment fool you into confusing the experience of failure with the delusion that you are a failure. We all fail from time to time, and despite how it may seem, successful people have failed many more times than those who never try.

Never let fear of failure prevent you from trying. Fail - fail often, fail spectacularly, fail wildly! Immunise yourself to disappointment by exposing yourself to it. The world forgets failure and remembers success - we should endeavour to do the same.

Also, someone in the comments of the post offered this great quote:
"Reflect on what happened and learn from it - why waste a perfectly good failure?" 8)