Did your surrounds or circumstances cause SA for you?


Well-known member
Did your surrounds or circumstances cause SA for you? In other words, would you still have social anxiety if you were never mistreated or bullied or abused etc...


Well-known member
im not sure if bullying caused me to have sa, ive always had a thing about bullies and i dont put up with them, thats not to say i havnt been bullied but i believe i can give as good as i get.

i think that certain events have had an effect on me, but ive seen other people go things equally as bad and they seem to be getting on with there lives just fine, maybe it was something i was born with? it's that unanswerable question like, what came first the chicken or the egg? :)
Surroundings and circumstances sure fuel anxieties, but it's hard to say whether they can cause someone to develop social anxieties. Mainly because everyone develops it differently.

For me personally, I don't think it would have done much. Bullying on multiple occasions and constant humiliation caused me to develop social anxieties. In the present however, I think it could help me overcome it with ease. That is, if I had a say in how circumstances were to be changed.


I think that many people are a product of their upbringing. I cant imagine that if someone was constantly abused, picked on, excluded, ignored, bullied and just made to feel like crap for the first part of their life that they are going to have good social skills. Part of me thinks that some people are predisposed to shyness/SA but I think the majority of it is fostered through what we experience growing up.
But thats just me...
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It sure had something to do with it, but for the most part I think it's just genetic for me. My grandma on my dad's side is very meek and my dad himself also has SA. Surely the horrible acne I had and the occasional teasing at school didn't help, and neither did switching schools, but I've always been a quiet and shy person, so I doubt it would've been any different if all of those things hadn't happened.