Depression Strikes


Well-known member
I have to the realization that I haven't been happy in a very long time. I honestly have nothing to look forward to right now. When I wake up in the morning, I am automatically hit with a feeling of apathy and I have no desire to do anything whatsoever. This feeling sticks with me for most of the day and I end up playing video games all day and not doing anything. Then at night, I'll lay in bed pondering on what will happen the next day, which usually turns to being the same thing again. I've been smoking pot again, but this seems to deepen the void in my life and as a result make me even more depressed. I also suffer from anxiety in social situations. This is a huge factor contributing to my depression. In social situation I get really nervous and am usually quiet and cannot express myself. In order to prevent this anxiety I choose to stay home a lot, and not go out to places with my friends. In addition this prevents me from ever having the chance of meeting any girls, which I really would like to do. I want to have a girlfriend but this severe anxiety cripples me from ever getting to talk to any. It's really horrible to be so "anti-social" and it's bringing me down. I contemplate suicide often but live with the hope that my condition may improve and I may live a happier life. Still, in the meantime I feel like shit, and pass the days really depressed. I need some help. I don't know what to do. ::(:


Active member
You sound exactly like me, apart from the weed smoking bit. Haven't enjoyed life for a long time, no purpose, worthless, a complete loss of drive to do anything and then social anxiety which is probably the cause of it all.

I really want to say something useful because you sound exactly as I did earlier this week and no doubt how I'll be over the next week.

I've had a rare good spell of two days where I haven't felt very depressed at all, I've even got a couple of tasks done. But I'm due for a trigger to make all the feelings come back and I'll just feel shit and probably contemplate suicide again. Does that ever happen to you?

I would love to have a social life and girlfriend but have given up out of disappointment, fear and self hate. I try not to let it get to me but that is usually the trigger of my depression.

Are you seeing a counsellor or anything? Because that's a good start, they can also point you in the direction of more help. I've only been to about 6 hour long sessions so I'm just beginning.

The only other bit of advice I can give to ease the depression is that I will force myself out of the house. It's usually after three or four days inside and I've had enough of listening to my thoughts. I will go to a quiet place where there is no one, go for a walk or something, possibly tire myself out to take my mind off things. It doesn't make it go away, but a change of scenery can be good.

It can be incredibly hard when all you want to do is sit there and die, so what I usually do is take a letter or something as a distraction, or as a sense of purpose. Eg. "I need to go to the beach to read this letter."
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You sound exactly like me, apart from the weed smoking bit. Haven't enjoyed life for a long time, no purpose, worthless, a complete loss of drive to do anything and then social anxiety which is probably the cause of it all.

I really want to say something useful because you sound exactly as I did earlier this week and no doubt how I'll be over the next week.

I've had a rare good spell of two days where I haven't felt very depressed at all, I've even got a couple of tasks done. But I'm due for a trigger to make all the feelings come back and I'll just feel shit and probably contemplate suicide again. Does that ever happen to you?

I would love to have a social life and girlfriend but have given up out of disappointment, fear and self hate. I try not to let it get to me but that is usually the trigger of my depression.

Are you seeing a counsellor or anything? Because that's a good start, they can also point you in the direction of more help. I've only been to about 6 hour long sessions so I'm just beginning.

The only other bit of advice I can give to ease the depression is that I will force myself out of the house. It's usually after three or four days inside and I've had enough of listening to my thoughts. I will go to a quiet place where there is no one, go for a walk or something, possibly tire myself out to take my mind off things. It doesn't make it go away, but a change of scenery can be good.

It can be incredibly hard when all you want to do is sit there and die, so what I usually do is take a letter or something as a distraction, or as a sense of purpose. Eg. "I need to go to the beach to read this letter."

Damn u hit the nail on the head. Feel the trigger commin anytime soon...