
over the lack of sex. I recently lost my "innocene when I was almost 30. Since then it has happened rarely. I know sex isn't everything. When I started being active, I really enjoy it. Now with the guy I was involved with is gone, I can't seem to get a guy to be interested in me enough to go out with me. With the guy I was involved with, he was friend for a few years before it turned sexual.

I act and look young for my age. From middle school though my late 20's, I spent a lot of time isolating myself from the outside world so I know my social skills aren't the greatest.

Im not comfortable with putting my pic and profile on online dating sites. I go to bars all the time.


not actually Fiona Apple
Did you try doing the "other" thing? I think orgasming releases endorphins which makes you happy, and maybe a lack of that has made you feel the opposite.
Did you try doing the "other" thing? I think orgasming releases endorphins which makes you happy, and maybe a lack of that has made you feel the opposite.

r u talking about a vibrator. Been there, done that kind of thing. It's not the same as being with someone and having that physical contact.


Well-known member
Hm, bars may not be a good venue...

Are there any other places to meet cool guys? Like (okay this may sound funny) local church or any volunteering projects or any hobbies or courses you might take? Or even sports games or such?

You don't have to post your photo online if you don't want to, you may get less replies but still some...

You can read books on dating and on social skills/communication skills or go take a course in something interesting or take massage classes or such...