deprerssion and friends


New member
Hi im a student in california and im an international student , i have made 2 really good friends duriong the fall semester and i am thankful for that, hwoever, when fall semester ended i came back and i noticed that one of them if not both were ignoring. but i am not sure, I am taking an antidepressant called celexa and that was prescribed way before this ever even happend. I just feel so bad and i always get bad moods and they dnt seeem to stop, is it because of the celexa or it the homesikness i feel wen i came bak from my holiays? thank you


Well-known member
Best just to approach them and ask if there is something wrong because they're acting distant. I don't know much about celexa but it doesn't sound like it's working so you should get it reviewed. The homesickness has probably caused you stress and made you feel more depressed..


Well-known member
You didn't go into detail, but I highly doubt they're purposely ignoring you. Don't worry about looking like a pussy - try confronting them about it. Also, I don't know anybody who's ever had luck with meds, so I can't back that one at all. Do whatever works though, I'm sending you good vibes as we speak.

Peace :wink: