[Deleted for personal reasons]


not actually Fiona Apple
They feel a lot like dreams or nightmares, with the only difference being that I'm completely conscious and that instead of it being a messy flow, it's a stream of very realistic corresponding crossroads that dictate the development and details of the event(s). It usually starts off very innocent; I'll start imaging what it'd be like what it'd be like if I got my drivers license, and at first I'd start with baby steps as to what could happen (note; I said ''could'', and in ''might/one of many outcomes'') and from there I get lost in them. As they are often over 15-45 minutes long and incredibly complicated I can't really give you a full example, because I myself only remember the key points of it, and not for very long.

This sounds very much like how my brain functions. Before I do something I'll start to think about how it will go, it will start with the beginning which I usually an pretty sure I know how will go, and then it will branch off into many complex "what if" situations from there. If this then this, then this then this.

On more than a few occasions I can think of times when after something happened I thought to myself "I knew this (could)would happen!" But really thinking about it, considering the number of different "flashforwards" I play out in my head and just basing it greatly on life and experiences I had or heard of or observed, it isn't anything special. I can predict what could happen, and sometimes in fact it is what happens.

If I only play out the bad outcomes, I tend not to follow through with things because I think "oh, well hmm I've been right about this before, this could totally happen." And, well, I'm right, but also they are many other ways it could go down as well. I just like to be ready for anything and I think that's why my brain tries to play out fastforwards and so many of them sometimes.