debating and public speaking.


I have a debate coming up. Im really nervous about it, unprepared orals freak me out, they are above my limitations. In our debate we are in groups of 6. We have to present our debates in these groups. Its 3 versus 3 and everyone has to speak for 3 minutes each. My class is about 28 females and 4 males including myself. I just need to know this, if you were in my shoes would you say the debate or avoid it? I dont know what to do. We have to basically attack the oppositions opinions andthen defend our own meaning we cant really prepare for them.


Well-known member
i wud say give it a go i mean just dont think about the negative things that can go wrong try thinkin about how good u'd feel cuming out of it after having done it, it would be a big confidence boost :D however i know its scary and easier said than done but i hope you can give it ago and do well at it. Picture u being someone u know thats really confident and act out their confidence like what way they would argue back, their voice as they do it and what way they stand etc and remember your opinion is just as good as theirs!!
best of luck xXx


Thanks, but Im too scared. This is the 2nd scariest situation Ive been in my life, Im so nervous Im thinking of suicide or bunking school or sending myself to hospitle, Ive thought about chopping my own finger off. Its times like this I just feel like theres no reason to live. I hate this shit. Its like my worst fear coming true. Fuck it, I feel so shit. Im sorry if Im whining.


Well-known member
dont do anything too drastic please, its not worth it!!
just tell the person that u cant do it or stay off skool that day or pretend to be sick the class before it like run out to bathroom saying ur gunna be sick. if worst cums to worst pretend to faint or lie down on ground andsay u feel too dizzy to stand, but dont be hurting urself


hey have u thought about getting some treatment for your anxiety? i can relate to what you are describing, at school i used to get so freaked out about stuff like that, even getting asked to read out a small passage in class would send me into a panic attack. but since then ive seen some GPs and talking about it has helped - doctors and counsellors recommended SSRIs which are a type of medication, they've been effective for me and my anxiety has gone..that's my best for the short term, hmm maybe just skip class if it really is that hard.good luck!


Active member
You should seriously ask your doctor just to prescribe you propanolol tablets which is great before speaches. I swear. I don't think your doctor would mind if you just take it like occasionally like 2 or 3 times a year. He'll probbaly prescribe you ten tabs for the whole year.


Thanks, I'll ask about them when I see my doctor again.

My mom will phone the school and say I cant do it. Im taking today off school.


Well-known member
abc, did you know that public speaking is the number 1 fear in america? you are not the only one in your class who will be scared because everyone else is afraid, too- even if they seem to hide it better than others. :) keep that in mind when you give your debate. the other students will understand how scary it is to give a debate so they won't judge you so harshly. i hope this helps.