Day from hell at work


Well-known member
There's a supervisor at work who everyone dislikes, and for the past few months he seems to single me out. One thing he does is pick on me whenever i am stopping for a a few minutes to talk to someone whereas people who spend most of the day talking and not working get away with it.

I start work at 8 am and this morning i was looking at my mobile at about one minute past and he already complained that i hadn't started to work, and work is quiet anyway so there's hardly anything to do anyway.

He gave me a job of painting some wooden doors which were about to be fitted with wood preservant. He showed me the tin i was supposed to use and it didn't register with me that i was meant to use clear stuff, and there happened to be a tin of brown coloured stuff there too. So halfway through painting the first door he came to check and he said ''OH NO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! i TOLD YOU TO USE THE CLEAR STUFF DIDN'T I! wHAT DID I TELL YOU!''........Then he went off ranting about me. Well i thought i might as well paint the rest of the door seeming as i had already made the mistake. Five minutes later he came back and said ''WHY HAVE YOU PAINTED THE REST OF THE DOOR! YOU'R WASTING THE COMPANY TIME AND MONEY! YOU'VE RUINED THE DOOR!''......I tried my best to defend myself but the asshole would have none of it and carrried on going on and on like a stuck record!

Anyway i could feel my blood begin to boil and next thing i knew i threw the paint brush with force, and i stormed away slamming two doors untill they almost ripped off their hinges. I was a man posessed! I didn't feel like myself and instead i felt like a mean mother. I came face to face with two work colleagues and screamed out loud with rage in front of them, stormed out of the building and spent ages composing myself. I was shaking like a leaf from the adrenaline. I felt very embarassed at the way i acted all day.

This is the second time i have flipped at work because of this asshole. My workmates are shocked to see this happen to me because it is so out of character for me. People see me as a laidback guy and i suppose this is what shocks people. My problem is that i bottle my emotions up instead of gradually releasing my angst, untill woooosh! My anger just comes out all together.

Anyone else have a problem with rage?


Well-known member
Yeah, I have the same type of bottled up rage too. I don't really get into situations that trigger that anger though; I try as much as I can to avoid them.

But I think that if you have such a bad supervisor, the best thing to do is to try to find another job. I've only felt like shit when I worked in a place that only gave me stress. I know it's hard to find a job, but that's what I'd do. The guy sounds like he has a whole set of issues of his own; worse than US! HAHA


Well-known member
I really can't blame you. The guy seems like an authentic prick. It was an honest mistake, but also a lack of correct instruction on his part. So it really wasn't your fault. However, as always, the best thing to do is to just walk away and take it to another supervisor, or whoever is above him.
You probably know that already though im sure. I've gotten mad like that too before, everyone does at some point so don't beat yourself up over it. I think alot of us socially anxious bottle up our emotions and unfortunately that means they tend to come up at the wrong times ><
But you know what, it proves only one thing, that we're human.


Well-known member
I like working in the company. I get on with everyone but this guy...I don't know what his problem is. He thinks he come and go as he pleases, starts work 2 hours before everyone else to get more money when there's no work for him anyway! Spends all day on the internet. I notice him often staring at me with hatred...I've done nothing to him, i treat everyone at my workplace with the same respect and this is the thanks i get.


Well-known member
There's always at least 1 idiot at work no matter what job it is. You can't escape them. TRUST ME. No harm in trying to escape them though :wink: .


Well-known member
I had a supervisor that gave me crap about everything. He thought I was always trying to cover up bad work or something, but it was just my SA. He had such a wrong idea of who I was. On top of that, I was the only person he could see directly from his desk.


Well-known member
i keep my anger bottled up.

the fact that you have a job that involves taking to people amazes me.

i feel like a failure at life


Well-known member
Obviously you had been pushed to your breaking point. This supervisor of yours doesn't seem worthy of being in such a position of power if he is going to yell at and berate people for honest mistakes, which, I might add, he was a contributor to in this case due to his lack of instruction.
I imagine I would have gotten as enraged as you did in this situation. Either that or have crumbled like a wounded animal and limped off somewhere to be alone.

I suppose once that adrenaline hits you it becomes very difficult to control your emotions. I've had it happen to me before. I just got so angry that I trembled from head to toe and things flew out of my mouth that never would normally. I guess that's what happens to those of us who live almost unnaturally passive aggressive lives. We finally become fed up with being everyone's doormat and lash out. Many of us, I believe, are volcanoes waiting to erupt, and when we do it can be as humiliating as it is liberating.


Well-known member
One good thing came out of it....I felt social anxiety free at the moment it happened! Adrenaline is a wonderful drug!


Well-known member
I'm surprised you didn't deck the prick, or pick the door up and smash it over his head-what an asshole.


Well-known member
I'm surprised you didn't deck the prick, or pick the door up and smash it over his head in a young ones style-what an asshole.


Well-known member
The bosses are upstairs so they didn't see it happening.

They tell you that you should hold your breath and count to ten when you feel rage coming along...That's bullshit! I can't even think when i loose my rag...I just blow and that's it!

The strange thing is that i actually had a dream about me loosing my rag with this guy the night before!


Well-known member
I really do not blame you for this outburst, and I actually think that it is good that you displayed it because it gives you some personal power against him - that you are not willing to take his shit. Just be careful that you do not misuse your anger and start harming co-workers like he does! Unfortunately, life is difficult when you have an asshole who is in power above you! When this happened to me in the past, I decided to quit the job (I didn't like the job anyway), and in retrospect it was a great decision. But, it sounds like you like your job, so pursuing other avenues, like going over his head to his superior, is the best route to go. Try to befriend someone in upper management and see if you can't get that person to take some action against this guy, as no one likes him at all. Oh, and don't take his behavior personally, I have found that people who are like that are very miserable in their personal lives, and that there is nothing that you can do to make people like this happy!