Dating + Hyperhidrosis!?


New member
I have hyperhidrosis and I've also been going out with this awesome guy for a little over a month. I'm extremely insecure about my hands and don't even like when he touches them. I told him that my hands get sweaty and I joke around about it, but I'm still worried about it..I've tried a lot of things to help relieve the hyperhidrosis but nothing seems to work.

It makes me mad because as much as I want him to hold my hands, I just get so insecure and nervous about them sweating, that they sweat even more. Im nervous about becoming more intimate with him because of my hyperhidrosis. I'm afraid of what he'd think of my hands when we become more intimate, if he'd see it as gross or whatever...Its hard for me to see how anybody with this problem has a good relationship with their loved ones. Is there anybody who has this problem that has some tips on how they deal with relationships with people who don't have hyperhidrosis as well?


Well-known member
Nah, relax, he won't care... and if he does care he aint worth having.

If he knows your hands sweat, whats to worry? Hold his hand, if you both feel uncomfortable then you don't have to, but just give it a go anyway.


Well-known member
Thanks Kingflab, but she doesn't need a shoulder to cry on... she needs a solution. Although, most guys really wouldn't care. My best friends dating a girl who's got hands that sweat worse then mine. Dosent bother him at all, he even defends and embraces her/it because its part of her life & he likes her a lot. & like most guys he wouldn't ever let anyone say or do anything to make you feel awkward. He's actually got into a physical fight a few days ago with another one of our friends, who said something stupid about it.

Short term solutions that have worked for me in my hands are:

Drysol (or other alike products) on my palms before bed, then covering my hands in plastic wrap. to seal the chemicals in.

Botox in the hands (works pretty well, hurts badly)

I've also lied to to a few GF's about it saying it was a side effect of a heart condition that I had surgery on a few years back. People accept the problem more if they think they can logically explain it. & you'd be surprised how quickly you can change from a person with a awkward problem into a Suffering hero.

Hope some of that helps.
& b4 Moralfag. Your storybook advice dosent work for teenagers.


Active member
When I first started dating my boyfriend I just said in a not so serious tone "I have this weird thing where my palms are always sweaty so I hate holding hands" I didn't make it sound like a big deal and he was cool with it. He said it didn't bother him but I said something like "yeh, I'm sort of weird that way but I hate holding hands". That was that and he didn't push the issue or make a big deal out of it. As for being intimate, most people's palms get sweaty during that time, so it really isn't an issue.


Well-known member
Thanks Kingflab, but she doesn't need a shoulder to cry on... she needs a solution.

Stop trying to be a prick all the time, if her condition isn't problematic in every day life then she doesn't need to go trying rag-tag treatments that barely work.

Alex, You really don't need to worry about it, sweaty hands is a lot less noticable to the other person, I've never had a problem dating women when it comes to hand holding nor have they ever seemed to care. There are plenty of married/coupled Hyperhidrosis sufferers, and you often find that most of them have no problems at all when it comes to their significant other. The fact is, it's just a bit of water, we notice it more because we can feel it, we obsess about it, and we think everybody else will be weirded out by it. Seriously, don't panic.

Do yourself a favour, take a gamble one day, and just hold his hand for an hour, I guarantee he won't give a damn. It is worrying at first, I know as I've been there, but If you take the leap and see what happens it'll be fine!
If you find that HH is really bothering you and/or reducing your quality of life, then you could probably start looking into treatments through Botox/Iontophoresis/antiperspirants. If however HH for you is just a mild annoyance, and something that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable when it comes to touching people, then I'd suggest you try and conquer your own anxiety, which often tends to make a vast difference.

Best of luck!
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