Dating experience


Well-known member
I recently got divorced and I've tried online dating sites. Interestingly, my HH has no negative effects on dating. I've become very adept at hiding it (atleast during initial encounters with people) and usually there is not much hand contact on first dates. I've had terrible luck w/ online dating. All my experiences have been similar to the show/movie Catfish. How do you guys meet people? Im from a small town, so I have no idea what to do. I'm good looking, educated, good job, nice car, and a decent personality, but I have had comically terrible luck. How do you guys date????


New member
Awwww… that sucks that stuff like that you are getting lied to over online dating sites. Since you live in a small town; I would suggest you to larger city and going to a bar or a club (I live in a small town too :C) Also try finding people who don't lie online, I know that's hard but at least try.
As for me I just have people attracted to me, which is really scary <.<) so I end up not dating at all, but I happened to meet one person online, you didn't lie about himself, so just keep trying it'll work out.