daily normal things that are difficult


Well-known member
I feel weird doing things that most people dont even think about

1. using washrooms. I avoid them if Im with other people and it takes me a while to pee if someone else is in the room

2. asking questions/clarifications. I dont like interrupting people, or Im afraid I will make a fool out of myself

3. laying down to relax. I cant stretch out even at home if someone else is in the room (aside from family).

4. hugging. I can receive hugs but its allways awkward and I never give them no matter how much I want one

5. celebrating. I never yell, scream, shout, cheer, anything, if other people are present

6. ....more??

anyone else have anything else to add?


Well-known member
you know what you need? somebody to come up to you when you least expect it and wrap their arms around you, and hold on so tight you can't let go! you'd have no choice but to submit to the love around you, there would be nothing you could do about it. plus, problems 3, 4 and 5 would diminish right away


Well-known member
alex29 said:
I feel weird doing things that most people dont even think about

1. using washrooms. I avoid them if Im with other people and it takes me a while to pee if someone else is in the room

2. asking questions/clarifications. I dont like interrupting people, or Im afraid I will make a fool out of myself

3. laying down to relax. I cant stretch out even at home if someone else is in the room (aside from family).

4. hugging. I can receive hugs but its allways awkward and I never give them no matter how much I want one

5. celebrating. I never yell, scream, shout, cheer, anything, if other people are present

6. ....more??

anyone else have anything else to add?
i agree with all you've said..specially the yelling, screaming and cheering thing..i hate to think if there was a fire or something, and i had to get other people's attention :wink: and one more, i hate talking on the phone, when others are listening, makes me feel all weird and awkward :oops:
I agree with all you said too! One thing I have a serious problem with is people looking at me when I'm working something, and I feel like they are always looking at me. I have to hide my work sometimes. In school it's really uncomfortable because I think the people next to me are always looking at everything I do.


Well-known member
Adding to your list:

Talking on the phone, especially with other people in the room.

Reading, writing, drawing, or checking text messages in public, I feel like people are looking at what I am doing. When writing in these situations I write really messy so it is unreadable therefore they can't judge me for what I am writing..

Going to get a hair cut. Sitting there for 30 minutes is so uncomfortable. Are you supposed to talk to the hair cutter? I just sit there and tap my foot waiting for it to end. I hate going.

Entering a room of people.


Active member
I'm just the same about being unable to raise my voice when other people are about. It's good to know I'm not the only one. One other thing I find really hard is calling people by their name when I talk to them. For some peculiar reason I find it incredibly embarrassing and just can't manage it. My nightmare scenario would involve having to call someone's name really loudly in a room full of people. I hate speaking on the phone when other people are watching too. I'm too conscious of both the person on the other end of the phone and the person in the room simultaneously so I can't give my full concentration to either of them.


Man I can totally relate to most of that.
I HATE talking on the phone if I'm in a public place. It's ok if I'm just walking down the street or whatever, but if I'm like in a waiting room or just around people or whatever.
I hate public bathrooms too. The worst are the ones with a single toilet, and there are people waiting. I absolutely cannot go.
I have trouble calling out to someone. Even 2 days ago when I picked my two year old up from daycare. I was in a room with maybe 8 kids (aged between 1-4) and just the one carer. I couldn't even call out to my own son to get his attention, I had to walk over to him.
I get nervous and anxious about calling up telco's/government/tax office - anywhere that asks you to confirm full name, DOB and address or whatever. My voice gets a little shaky and I feel like they think I'm doing something fraudulent which makes my voice even shakier. Going into a bank is even harder! I'm always worried they think I'm trying to pretend I'm me in order to steal money or whatever.
When my bf and I go to the movies, I always refuse to let us discuss the movie until we're away from everyone and in the car. He gets so annoyed by it cause all the other movie-goers are avidly discussing the movie, but I make him wait til we're in private. I'm always worried other people will overhear and judge my opinion.
Many many more...


And another one..
I can't have the music up loud in my car if I'm driving through the suburbs or streets with red lights or whatnot. I'm always conscious that people in the other cars can hear it and will judge my taste in music.


Well-known member
I get anxious with most of those, but also answering my cell phone and changing songs on my iPod in public. Taking money/credit cards out of my wallet (always think someone is gonna run up from behind and snatch it!), and having music or tv too loud in my apartment (which is annoying because my neighbour's sub woofer practically knocks the wall down!)


Well-known member
I also have a difficult time taking a long time at a cash register at the store. I feel like people are staring at me waiting forme to move so I always get out of the way fast


Well-known member
elizabeth86 said:
When my bf and I go to the movies, I always refuse to let us discuss the movie until we're away from everyone and in the car.

haha I do the exact same thing with my girlfriend. I wait til we are out of the theatre, or at least in another area of the mall with different people around who didn't see the movie..


Well-known member

OMG! this tread is like you guys were reading my diary.

I mean the not being able to talk on the phone if others are around.
Un able to turn up the car radio if I think other cars can hear. The cash register and on and on . Wow its so intresting to find out that I am not the only one who have issues with these things that most take for granit.