
New member
Hi guys,

I haven't visited a forum like this in years, but since I've cured (i.e. been able to treat HH with a high degree of effectiveness), I feel that it is my responsibility to share what I have learned with the HH community.

I started off using topical antiperspirants and drionic units. The effect was minimal. I decided to step things up a notch. I was almost, and I mean, almost ready to go for surgery. I was very close to even booking a flight. Before I did this, my doc suggested that I try some medication. I tried out avert and found that it helped things. I've been taking 2mg of Avert twice a day for about 5 years with no diminished effects. I have palmer and underarm HH btw.

I noticed that during non social situations, I would be totally dry, but when I was in a social situation, I would start to sweat again. What I did to remedy this was to get on Paxil CR (25mg once a day). This drug helps with social anxiety and HH. It almost feels like it slows your entire nervous system down, which is good, bc excessive sweating is caused by an over active nervous system. I've even noticed that my metabolism is slower. I sure can't eat like did when I was a teen without gaining weight. Also, it feels like I have less energy than I did in the past, so I sleep a bit more now a days. Small trade off for being able to function normally in society...

After getting on Paxil, I noticed that within a month that I was more relaxed in social situations and less likely to start sweating. I was pretty happy with the result as I was a big skeptic when it came to using medications to influence emotions. I didn't think that any medication could change how I felt.

Even after using Avert and Paxil CR, I still found that in some social situations, my hands would become moist. I started getting botox injections in my hands a couple of years ago. Since then, my life has changed dramatically. I pay with cash all the time, I don't mind shaking hands, and I don't worry about my HH at all. Sometime I forget that I even have it. Taking the meds has just become a part of my daily routine.

What I've decided is that in order to treat this problems, you have to combine multiple solutions. If I wanted to, I could even throw a topical antiperspirant into the mix if I wanted to.

I encourage everyone to give this combo a try if they haven't already
- Avert (2mg 2-3 times a day)
- Paxil Cr (25mg a day)
- botox injections in hands and or underarms (every 8 - 10 months)

I know its a lot, but it's totally worth it. I'm enjoying life more than I ever have. I hope that you can achieve the same success.

Just give this combination of treatments a try for a few months.

Also, please spread the word about this solution. It has definitely worked for me.

good luck :D :D


I am curios about the Paxil, I got a prescription for zoloft and tried it for a couple of days but had trouble sleeping and it seemed like it made me sweat more. Has anyone takin them long term and found that the sweating gets better with time? I guess that you could team it with avert, but trying to save that for special occasions so that I don't build a tolerance.


Well-known member
Nice, glad to hear it worked for you.

But the botox would be killer on the bank account for people who don't have health insurance through their work.


Well-known member
I tried paxil a couple years ago for social anxiety, but i stopped taking it after about a week due to side effects.


Well-known member
i advise you to stop taking the paxil immediately, and get something else. oe of the side effects of paxil is increases sweating. also, the wight gain associated with paxil is terrible. stop it now, before it becomes almost impossible to get off of. try lexapro or something else, just not paxil. you can PM me if you need more info about what it did to me